Why Does The Average Guy Or Girl Need To Train?

So many people ask me why I always implore them to train, stay in shape; build some strength and train in combat.

The answer is simple and two-fold:

  1. You WILL at some point in your life need to handle a physical confrontation – man or woman. You'll be lucky if it only one and it is only a punch-up.
  2. Most thugs and criminals work out in a gym, are strong and CAN fight.

You need to equalize this, just to improve your chances. This is not a long article – just a short warning

1. You WILL be confronted

Look up the statistics on crime in your country. In most countries, it seems like about 1 in 3 women get raped. So, take 3 women you know, stats say that one of them have been, or will be raped. Is this your wife, your mother, daughter, or, if you're a woman – is it you?

Men are just as open to violence. Just go to a party, a nightclub, a rugby game or simply walk the streets and you're a target. Maybe it hasn't happened to you, or maybe some criminal has already targeted you and is watching your routine to select the right opportunity…

2. Thugs can fight

So how many skinny and weak criminals have you seen so far? I can't remember seeing any and I've known plenty. These people live in a very physical world where they compete with each other in a primal dominance for power. They lift weights and they spend hours punching the bag – not to mention plenty of practice in real street fights. And to make matters worst – they usually fight in groups.

What are your chances against these people if you are untrained? ZERO!

So get yourself (and your wife/girlfriend) in the gym.


Article written by Kobus Huisamen

Kobus is a retired professional fighter and multiple title holder who competed at top international levels . He also trained fighters for appearances in Pride, K-1 and other events. After 20 years in martial arts, he wrote: A Fighter's Encyclopedia and several articles. A former South African Airborne Forces soldier, he'd also been working as a nightclub bouncer for nine years to put him through university.

Currently, he's a business consultant but still puts on the gloves for a workout most weekends.