Wanted: FMA Instructors in New Zealand

With the growing popularity of the Filipino martial arts on a world wide scale and especially in Great Britain, it was felt that their was a need for a body to be organized that could inform the general public of what the real Filipino martial arts are all about. A need for an organization ,to help guide the general public in the right direction as to who are the real instructors of this unique martial art. Many of the leading instructors, Masters and Grand Masters of the FMA based in Great Britain have for the first time united together in order to help bring the correct information and to help promote the art of the Philippines in a non political, non fee paying, unified organization. The BCKEAI  (British Council of Kali. Eskrima, Arnis instructors)

Over the years the FMA has been known for it’s politics and bickering, this is what makes this organization so unique, it is a gathering of various styles who previously would not have even shared the same room, now joining together in a brotherhood to promote the Filipino martial arts on a national scale regardless of style for the betterment of the FMA as a whole.

The Council has received unprecedented acceptance in the Filipino martial arts community both in the UK and in the Philippines and we are proud to be advancing the cultural and martial heritage of the Philippines.

The Council is a gathering of properly qualified authentic instructors in the Filipino martial arts who can trace their linage back to the Masters and Grand Masters of the arts in the Philippines, all of our instructors are bonifide representatives of the native Filipino martial arts styles and teach those methods as they are taught by the Masters and Grand Masters in the Philippines.

So what has this got to do with FMA INSTRUCTORS IN NZ?

Well a Handful of FMA instructors and Students in NZ spearheaded by Clinton Jones (Rapid Arnis NZ instructor) is looking at setting up a New Zealand version of the BCKEAI called NZCKEAI, As the paperwork for the NZCKEAI is still being reviewed, We can only give you examples from the BCKEAI


Realizing the need for a body of impartial and senior Filipino martial arts instructors to ensure fair and unbiased promotion of the real martial art styles of the Philippines, a group of leading instructors in Great Britain united to make this dream become a reality.

The British Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors was formed in May 2006 by what is considered to be some of the leading instructors of the FMA in Britain and even Europe.

Tuhon Pat O’Malley who is internationally known and well respected around the world including the Philippines and is the first European to be accepted as a member of the Philippine Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Masters – winner of no less than 40 full contact Eskrima titles including 3 World and 5 European titles is the prime moving force behind the British Council and it has always been his dream to bring together the various unique styles of the Filipino martial arts. This dream has now become a reality.

There are many who claim to be teaching the Filipino martial arts mainly due to it’s rise in popularity in the world of martial arts, but there are a few individuals who have no real qualifications or linage back to the Masters of the art in the Philippines who are informing the public that they are bonifide instructors of the art simply to make money from the unsuspecting general public.

There are also many who are competing for recognition in the Filipino martial arts sector of the martial arts and unfortunately, some are attempting to give the impression that their style or organization is superior or the only qualified body to represent the Filipino martial arts. This has resulted in divisiveness and discontent and the Council is concerned about the observations and impressions that will be made by the general public and the martial arts community as a whole.

The Filipino martial arts have suffered from such problems and we feel there is nether reason or excuse for this syndrome to continue in the Filipino martial arts community anymore. Kali, Eskrima or Arnis, whichever term one may use this martial art is part of the Philippine national heritage and should be promoted as such.

The British Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors seeks only to unify the practitioners of Filipino martial arts on a national scale and to see equal acceptance and recognition for all qualified instructors regardless of style. The enclosed mission statement describes the focus of our Council.

We welcome all input and suggestions from any and all who share our vision of uniting the Filipino martial arts under one organization.


It is the goal of the British Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors to unite the practitioners of the Filipino martial arts under an umbrella of “national brotherhood” and cooperation – recognizing the merits of all bonifide styles and schools as being equally relevant and appreciated. Any and all Instructors of the Filipino martial arts are welcome and respected, providing the adhere to the spirit herein described.

We seek to continue and expand the recognition and legitimization of the Filipino martial arts as both a competition sport and combat art – and to promote both sectors in and for those groups who seek to advance their knowledge and level of participation.

Further, we seek to overcome the petty rivalries and jealousies that pervade so many similar societies and to relegate competition to “sporting events”. No politics and no denigration of any Arnisador, Eskrimador, Kalista or style will be tolerated and the Council will aggressively defend any who are unjustly or unfairly treated, within the community.

To actively seek the most senior instructors of each bonifide style, system, group or organization who are willing to uphold our values to have representation on the Council.

To established and continually develop a “Code of Ethics” for the practitioner's, which will be welcomed and subscribed to by Filipino martial arts clubs, styles, systems and organizations around the United Kingdom. This will include but not be limited to: Respect for ones Master, Loyalty to your fellow Arnisadors, Eskrimadors, Kalistas and devotion to the Filipino martial arts. These are sacred tenants of our martial arts. This tradition must be upheld.

To help promote and inform to the general public only those who are of good character as well as being bonifide Filipino martial arts instructors, styles, systems, groups and organizations.

With the appointment of Directors to the Board from the head instructors of each style, system or organization, annual competitions and events in various sporting styles of the Filipino martial arts, ongoing communication and “Goodwill Tours” demonstrating our art – we hope to achieve our goals and dreams for the Martial Arts of the Philippines.

To work closely with other similar organizations around the world including the Philippine Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Masters in the promotion of the Filipino martial arts as a whole.


To be a non fee paying and no political organizations who’s sole purpose is the promotion of the Filipino martial arts and it’s bonifide instructors, Masters and Grand Masters regardless of style, system, group or organization.

To establish and maintain a level and spirit of openness and cooperation to unite the British Community of enthusiasts and practitioners of “Arnis De Mano”, Kali, Eskrima – promoting the art and enhancing the image of the Republic of the Philippines as it’s birthplace.

To promote “brotherhood & inter-style” appreciation, thereby over coming the competition & petty jealousies that are all to prevalent in the worldwide martial arts community.

To actively seek recognition for both the Filipino martial arts and sport versions of the art with the official Government bodies such as the Sports Council as well as the British Olympic Committee.

To recognize, help and support those who are of good character, with authentic linage via the recognized Masters.

To produce a database and web site which will be available to the general public listing all bonifide Filipino martial arts instructors who are members of the Council.


Our intention is to seek out strategic partnerships in order to show the Filipino martial arts in a high profile in the eyes of the general public. We will be actively be seeking out media coverage wherever possible and we will offer unique opportunities for “co-op” advertising and promotions – not to mention media exposure via our Public Relations Office.

With Strategic Partnerships we are looking to provide opportunities for:

Television and film participation Event marketing opportunities Access to domestic & international Instructors & Masters Access to international sports events Access to Filipino festivals Co-op campaigns with our strategic partners New products introduction, promotion and test marketing National and International recognition


1. No one individual member of the Executive Board of Directors will have sole charge of the Council regardless of position within the Council

2. All Executive Board of Director members will have equal voice and voting powers

3. The Executive Board of Directors will run and organize the British Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors equally.

4. The Executive Board of Directors will be made up from the most senior instructors or their official representatives of each individual style, system, group or organization. E.g. Senior Instructor, Chief Instructor, Master, Grand Master. Unless the individual style, system, group or organizations wishes to nominate a particular individual to represent them on the Council.

5. All bonifide Filipino Martial Arts Styles, Systems, Groups, Organizations and FMA Sporting Organizations will be recognized by the Council as equal in status.

6. No Biased, Politics or Slanderous comments will made towards any individual style, systems, group, organization or individual who is a member of the Council.

7. No Biased, Politics or Slanderous comments will made towards any individual style, systems, group, organization or individual who is accepted as being a bonifide in the FMA as a whole, even if they are not part of the British Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors.

8. Any fees taken on behalf of the Council for the purposes of the day to day administration costs of running the organization shall be strictly voluntary or via any event or merchandising profits.

9. No membership fees shall be taken on behalf of the Council.

10. All Council members shall aggressively defend against any biased, political or slanderous comments made towards any member of the Council or any bonifide style, systems, group, organization recognized by the Council.

11. The British Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors is a FREE, not for profit and non political organization.

12. To promote both the Council and it’s members and the FMA as a whole in a good light whenever and wherever possible.

13. To treat all bonifide individuals, styles, systems, groups and organizations on an equal basis.

14. All members shall accept that their linage and background can be checked and authorized by the British Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors or bodies outside of the British Council as we see fit.

15. Any member or candidate seen to be showing the Filipino martial arts in a bad light both past or present, or causing mistrust and or political unrest betweens individuals, styles, systems, groups or organizations both past and present will be refused membership to the Council.

16. Any individual can be refused membership to the British Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors, if any member of the Executive Board of Directors, The Philippines Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Masters or any other bonifide Body, Master and or Grand Master gives a bonifide objection and or reason as to why you should not have membership to the Council.

17. All membership to the British Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors is subject to acceptance of all of the Executive Board members.

18. Ordinary Membership to the Council of any individual can only be approved by the most senior instructor of that individual style, system, group, organization represented on the Council.

19. To hold membership to the British Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors an individual has to be of at least full instructor level or equivalent of a bonifide Filipino martial arts style, system, group or organization.

20. All membership candidates to the Council must have a checkable linage, history which is traceable back to a bonifide Master, Grand Master, Style or System of Filipino Martial Arts.

21. Membership to the Board of Directors will only be allowed by a UNANIMOUS vote by the Executive Board of Directors in favor for any individual candidate application, no exceptions will be made.

The British Council is linked to the Philippine Council and other major organizations in the Philippines. This can only benefit the FMA as a whole.The New Zealand council will be linked to both The British and the Philippine council.

Hopefully this little article has given an insight on what is to be achieved with the NZCKEAI, So if you are a club or an instructor or know of some one that is training in the Filipino martial arts .That would be keen to Join please contact the number below. You can also click on to this site https://www.bckeai.co.uk to give you more information before ringing the contact below if you wish.

Clinton Jones
[email protected]

Some Contents from this article have been borrowed from this site https://www.bckeai.co.uk  and permission to use contents has been granted from Tuhon Pat O’Malley

Kali Eskrima Arnis

Article written by Richard Mitchell

Student, instructor of Doce Pares multi-style eskrima and Rapid arnis NZ, and member of the New Zealand Council of kali Eskrima Arnis Instructors