After more than twelve years of both training and competition, karate is still one of the most exciting journeys we have been on. Although karate is one of the most popular martial arts of the world and hopefully one of the Olympic disciplines of the future, there is still a lot to be done.
While karate articles mainly focus on historical and traditional aspects, competition is either ignored or at least downplayed. This article is intended to fill this gap. For us, karate is first and foremost a competitive sport. We leave tradition and kata to the respective experts and concentrate on what we like most and hopefully can do best- kumite.
While watching a karate tournament on any skill level the first thing that becomes obvious, is the fact that there are only a hand full of techniques successfully used for scoring points. Mostly Mawashi Geri (roundhouse kicks) and Gyaku Zuki (reverse punch). These are the basics. And as we all know, it is never wrong to stick to them. If everybody is doing literally the same thing all the time, it cannot be the technique itself but the way it is trained and timed. This leads us directly back to the title – The Need for Speed.
The second and even more important aspect of most karate tournaments is the fact that most of the participants are of pretty young age. Since children are first of all children and not young adults, they have to be treated and trained as such. The training cannot be conducted the same way a twenty year veteran competitor is training. Training has to be interesting, exciting as well as demanding. Traditional line training is most probably not the right way.
While karate specific training gear has been developed greatly during the last decades, most training practices seems to be caught in the middle ages.
As an example, when asking an instructor how to increase speed the answer is most likely to be something like “train faster.”
Definitely right but not very satisfying, isn’t it. Other sports have never hesitated to borrow from external sources, why should we?
Although much has been theorised about how we learn, there are probably only two reliable one should never forget.
Firstly, you learn best if you are interested in learning something. It’s that easy.
Secondly, learning basically includes the following steps: you are shown how to do something, then you practice it and then you decide if it works for you or not. In reading this article you have already proven your interest in new thoughts and ideas about training.
The following series is intended to give a few possible and more substantial answers to the question: “How can I get faster?” We decided to start with one of the most elementary skills, which is used up to World Championship level. The direct counter – Gyaku Zuki Deai.
We wish you every success in your karate and your competition career.
Basic drills & Scenario training for the direct counter punch – Gyaku Zuki De-Ai
1) Training the right distance
Complex distance & reaction training forward – backward; left – right:
Forward – Backward:
Both partners start from kamae position (fighting stance)
One partner always moves forward and backward with varying speed
The other partner has to maintain his fighting distance all the time through stepping forward and backward
Right – Left:
Additionally, one partner can now step to the right or left
The other has to re-centre himself all the time through stepping to the right or left
Speed and length of Steps should be varied after both partners got used to this exercise
2) Training Reaction and precise striking:
Reactionary drill – hitting a falling glove:
Both partners start in a fighting stance (kamae).
Both are inside striking range. One partner is either holding a glove, ball, etc. at eyelevel in front of his body.
As soon as the glove falls the other side has to execute suri-ashi + Gyaku Zuki (instep with a reverse punch). He must hit the glove at chest level / solar plexus height. If the glove is hit precisely, it should bounce against the other partner’s chest.
3) Reactionary partner drill:
Gyaku Tsuki De-ai as soon as hand moves:
Both partner facing each other in a fighting stance (kamae) keeping normal distance. One partner is holding his hand in front of his solar plexis while wearing a red glove. As soon as this partner moves the gloved hand away the reverse punch (suri-ashi + Gyaku Zuki) is executed hitting the solar plexis as fast as possible. The partner has to vary the rhythm and speed of his hand moving.
Variation: Both hands move freely oin front of the solar plexis. Target region is exposed from time to time – Gyaku Zuki De-Ai has to be executed as fast as possible.
4) Counter Gyaku Zuki in a fight scenario:
a) Direct Counter against half techniques and complete attacks:
Start from a standing position and progress up to free movement. The aim of this exercise is to counter the forward movement of the opponent. Importantly, intercept the attacker before he can finish his technique. In the beginning, the partner should attack with a big movement (obvious push) while opening up the target area, i.e. he has to help his partner to hit him properly. Progress systematically with single attacks (jabs, back fists, combinations), and increasing speed and momentum.
Important: Technique and timing first. Aspects relevant for competition should be built up later. Otherwise fear of injury and hesitation could be the results. Therefore, always start relaxed and slow before you go ballistic.
b) Adding stress to the counter training scenario (counter-lines):
Several partners form a line by standing behind each other in a kamae position. One partner is facing the line. One after the other is attacking with a push first, later on with a single attack, finally with a combination.
Speed and intensity should be increased after each round. This is a pretty good exercise at the end of a training session and a great way to boost motivation and fighting spirit.
Opposite stance (mirror stance) is recommended for counter striking. The front foot always moves to the outside in order to avoid being swept and as a possible set up for further attacks (kicks with the front foot). The front hand checks he front hand of the partner.
The person doing the counter determines distance!!! If the distance is too short, reaction time is automatically too short since the attacker has the advantage of the forward drive. Remember, moving forward is always faster than moving backward, otherwise everybody would walk backwards. If the distance is too big, the counter falls too short and you are open to counter hits of the attacker.
The front hand should always be held up high to guard the head, ideally in front of the head. Very important fort he striking itself is the initial push from the hips and the back leg similar to the starting movement of an Olympic sprinter. Always strike with full hip rotation and directly forward into the target keeping the elbow tight at the body. Remember, the fastest way from A to B is straight.
The authors:
Christian Gruener is the current World University Karate Champion 2004. He studies at sports at the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena Germany. He has won several national and international titles.
Ken Oesterreich is New Zealand University Games Silver Medallist Winner 2004.