Great-Grandmaster Park Taekwondo Seminar Series

In early February Taekwondo New Zealand (TNZ) and its member organisations played host to Great-Grandmaster Hae Man Park, 10th Dan black belt who is one of the original Korean Taekwondo Masters who created the WTF Taeguek and Palgwae poomsae forms. Great-Grandmaster Park was accompanied on his seminar series by TNZ President Grandmaster Tae Kyung Kim, 9th Dan black belt.

Great-Grandmaster Park guides a young junior black belt through basic applications in Auckland.

Three seminars were held in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch, with over 100 members attending.  All TNZ member organisations were represented including some participants from non-member organisations.  Comments after the seminars from participants were very positive, with Great-Grandmaster Park explaining, demonstrating and getting students to perform the techniques, which many black belts with 20 years or more experience found truth in the old saying that ‘technique is always further perfectible’.

Many members and instructors in Wellington and Christchurch had not previously met TNZ President Grandmaster Kim and appreciated the opportunity to meet with him, discuss Taekwondo and also learn about TNZ’s recent achievements first hand. 

At the Christchurch dojang, Grandmasters Park and Kim were greeted with a Powhiri and Waiata, performed by the Kaikoura club.  Brett Cowan from Kaikoura orated and the Taiaha challenge was performed by New Brighton club member Carl Bennett. Both of the Grandmasters responded by singing a traditional Korean song, which was a moving experience for everyone present.

Great-Grandmaster Park and Grandmaster Kim at the TUNZ Headquarters in Christchurch with senior members after the seminar.

TNZ gratefully acknowledges the following individual members for contributing to covering the cost of the seminar series; Grandmaster Kim, Matt Ransom, Rajesh Narsey, Vijay Chhika, Peter Shaw, Greg O’Brien, and the Cardinals club and the Taekwondo Union of New Zealand for underwriting some of the costs associated with the seminar series.

The contribution and commitment made by all were felt to be well worthwhile, as members have all seen first-hand Grandmaster Park’s and Grandmaster Kim’s efforts in promoting TNZ in Korea; ensuring that TNZ is duly recognised by the Kukkiwon and WTF; and for sharing their expertise and time.

This was an amazing weekend and one that TNZ and all it’s member organisations will greatly benefit from in the long term. Our thanks to everyone who attended the seminars and/or who contributed to their success.

Article written by TKDNZ