Free E-Books From Precision Nutrition

John Berardi and Precision Nutrition have made two e-books availble for free download. If you are interested in nutrition for sports and martial arts, then be sure to check these out.

The books are as follows:

Gourmet Nutrition Desserts, a 44 page dessert cookbook complete with delicious "Precision Nutrition approved" dessert recipes, beautiful photography, and hints on how to eat the foods you love without the gaining the fat you hate.

Precision Nutrition Strategies is an extension of our Precision Nutrition program and it's called Precision Nutrition Strategies. With 43 pages and 7 chapters (plus appendices), it's obviously no where near as comprehensive as the full Precision Nutrition Program.

However, it provides a nice and simple overview of some critical PN strategies including: the rules of good nutrition, protein intake, balancing dietary acids, altering your eating schedule to make it more PN friendly, preparing foods, eating on the road, reving your metabolism, and more.

You can read more great articles on nutrition for sports and martial arts training in the regular column Precision Nutrition with John Berardi here on Fight Times.

Article written by Fight Times Editor