Regular Columns

The Combat Boot — Part 37 of the Close Combat Files

Caution:The contents of this article are for education purposes only. The principles described are extremely dangerous and are for military close combat training and operations only. Their application applies solely to the military. Combat kicks are the primary unarmed offensive and counter offensive option. These kicks are not sporting or traditional and in this edition […]

We Lose Outstanding Wrestling and Body Building Photographer Tony Lanza

Tony Lanza, the world's greatest wrestling and body building photographer recently passed away in Canada aged 84. Tony Lanza Tony Lanza During the 1950's I regularly sent to Tony for his great photos, and most wrestlers of note were photographed in his house by the Canadian photographer. "Photo by Lanza" appeared on many photos, and […]

Reiki and the Martial Artist

While generally considered to be a 'healing' method, the use of Reiki can have some significant advantages for the martial artist, especially if meditation and/or Kundalini Awakening are part of your path. Reiki is immensely useful for healing, but some of the other advantages are the opening, cleansing and clearing of the chakra system, rejuvenation […]

Charles Upham — Victoria Cross And Bar

Acknowledged widely as the outstanding soldier of the Second World War, Captain Charles Upham is the only combatant soldier to receive the Victoria Cross and Bar (awarded to members of the armed forces of the Commonwealth for exceptional bravery). In Crete in May 1941 and the Western Desert in July 1942 Upham distinguished himself with […]

Reiki Energy Balance for the Martial Artist

Here's a simple exercise that anyone can do, even if they haven't been 'attuned' to Reiki. It requires a basic knowledge of channeling Reiki energy, the positions of the 7 primary chakras and a willingness to spend some time making someone else feel good. Everything else is optional. For those who've never channeled Reiki or […]

Successful Fat Loss

This issue I will give you my thoughts regarding the biggest (forgive the pun) health problem confronting human-kind – excess body fat. Currently 60% of males, 50% of females and 33% of children are overweight and we continue to put on an average of 10 gms of fat per day. Fat people in my experience […]

New Zealand Boxing — February/March 2005

New Zealand based American heavyweight, Chauncy Welliver, was seriously being touted as an upcoming opponent for Mike Tyson by local sportswriters but any such chances (fact or fiction) would have been derailed on February 24 when he was outpointed on a split decision over six rounds by Elisara Sii Uta at the ABA Stadium. Judges […]