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"He's Baaat." I mean, "He's baaack." Rising out of the spectral snow of TV and film, BATMAN BEGINS is an old take on an old legend; and in a sense Batman resembles Bruce Lee when it comes to superheroes and martial arts films. One thing I've noticed when comparing the martial arts films of Bruce, […]

New Zealand Competes at WTF World Taekwondo Championships April, 2005

The New Zealand WTF Unification Steering Committee held a meeting on 13th February in Auckland to discuss the composition of the management team that would accompany the New Zealand Team to the WTF World Championships 2005 in Spain. The management team for the WTF World Championships 2005 was appointed as: New Zealand Team Manager – […]

The Best and The Worst

The martial arts can bring out the best in humans and the worst. Training can improve individual's physical abilities and inturn improve their fitness and state of health. We must remember that many physical pursuits can achieve the same benefits and many sports persons are far more physically capable than martial artists and vice versa. […]

The Ultimate Fighter #1

© Marc Wickert All photos copyright 2004 Zuffa LLC Photography by Joshua Hedges Although The Ultimate Fighter competitors are not as polished in their craft as most UFC veterans of the Octagon, their bouts are more reflective of the raw skills displayed in bar-room brawls and street fights. While it's great to witness […]

Unarmed Close Combat Contingency Options — Part 39 of the Close Combat Files

Caution: The contents of this article are for education purposes only. The principles described are extremely dangerous and are for military close combat training and operations only. Their application applies solely to the military. True European military combative systems show commonality in skills and principles throughout all phases and levels of training. The very important […]

Training Your Technique — Excerpts from Fighter's Encyclopedia

Republished with permission from the author. If you like this article please considering buying the book. See for details. Photos by Sebastian Troen. So how good is your technique? Since you're a pro, by this time, you should be well versed in the basics. Your technique shouldn't be a problem, right? Well, not always. […]

Coaching – Part 1 — Leadership and mentorship

Photos courtesy of Sebastian Troen Leadership and mentorship is the mark of a true trainer. You can only get the best out of a fighter if you focus on the mental aspects of your training. Many fighters don't know their own potential and other have delusions of grandeur. The way to get through this – […]

Jack Gallagher

As our bus, full of recruits fresh from basic training, pulled up at the guardroom of the RAF Regiment Depot Catterick, a wiry looking sergeant with several rows of medal ribbons came on board and directed the driver through the snow-covered camp to our barracks. Upon arrival he turned his attention in our direction and […]

No Gloves Means New Rules

Copyright Antonio Graceffo 2004 Each martial art has a certain, unique rhythm, which derives from the style and the rules of competition. A boxing match sounds like pity-pat, pity-pat, pity-pat, as the fighters circle, and throw jabs, feeling each other out. A Tae Kwan Do match would sound more like a machine gun, rata-tat-tat, rata-tat-tat, […]

A Look into the Past – Rick Martel

Current W.W.F. Superstar Rick Martel was once a big favourite in New Zealand. The following story tells of his successes in New Zealand rings in the 70's. In my 30 years of following the matmen I don't recall such a consistent drawing card, one who can pack the 2000 – plus Auckland YMCA for 20 […]