International Close Combat Instructors' Association Convention and Training Workshops

During December 16-20, 2008, Dunedin, New Zealand was the location for the International Close Combat Instructors' Association (ICCIA) convention. The association’s director of overseas affairs, Tank Todd, hosted the convention at the Todd Group’s headquarters and training camp. The convention attracted approximately 100 exponents from all over the world and six association member instructors, including […]

Interview with Leonard Holifield

Prof. Leonard C. Holifield, CPS, is President and CEO of the International Academy of Executive Protection Agents, LLC. Known as the Harvard of Bodyguard Schools, he is an honor graduate of ESI – Executive Security International and former chief security officer and personal bodyguard to the former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Chief […]

Annual International Close Combat Course 2008

With 2007 being the 80th anniversary of the Todd group conducted in conjunction with the annual international close combat course and the close personal protection specialist training course 2008 had plenty to live up to. It was apparent several months before the course that all positions would be full and the applications would exceed the […]

CQB Q&A — Close Combat Questions, Answers and Comments

Caution: The contents of this article are for education purposes only. The principles described are extremely dangerous and are for military close combat training and operations only. Their application applies solely to the military. I have been told of your connection with Col Applegate and think such an association would make the basis for a […]

Carl Cestari

July 23, 2007 Carl Cestari passed away at New Jersey aged 48 after a long Illness. To his wife Carol and family we convey our sincere condolences. This article is very much a reflection of my association with Carl during my early training years at the School of Self Defense New York. I did not […]

Carlos Vecovsky 1973-2007

The sad but true account of a friend and fighter affected by mental illness in his prime that led to his suicide. While it is true that Carlos achieved more than many people do in their long lives and in arenas that test human courage and fortitude to high levels, his life was all too […]

Real Life Experiences

Real Life Experiences highlights the experiences of operators and civilians who have had to use the skills they've learnt in self defence or combat. If you have had to defend yourself as a civilian or in the execution of your duties as a service person, then don't hesitate to forward your story. These stories will […]

CQB Q&A — Close Combat Questions, Answers and Comments

Caution: The contents of this article are for education purposes only. The principles described are extremely dangerous and are for military close combat training and operations only. Their application applies solely to the military. I just was lucky enough to be shown a glimpse of your phase one DVD from my friend and Boy what […]

80 Years of Combative Excellence

The Todd Group celebrated its eightieth anniversary as armed and unarmed combat instruction providers March 24th 2007. The legacy began with Harry Baldock and his entry into self defence and unarmed combat as an instructor back in 1927. Harry immigrated with his family from Great Britian  aged five. He first began training in Christchurch in […]