Brooklyn Monk in 3D

The world’s first martial arts 3D web TV series, available now.

Brooklyn Monk in 3D, from Al Caudullo productions, follows the adventures of martial artist and author Antonio Graceffo, as he travels across the world, learning martial arts from various masters.

Brooklyn Monk 3D

“A lot of people are familiar with my youtube show, Martial Arts Odyssey. But Brooklyn Monk in 3D is very different.” Says Antonio Graceffo. “We have a full TV crew, lights, sound, and multiple cameras.” The production qualities of Brooklyn Monk 3D far exceed those of Antonio’s other web series. Beyond that, of course, the show is in 3D.

Watch the free, 30 second, 3D, trailer on youtube.

According to Director, AL Caudullo, 3D allows people to experience TV on a level that they have never experienced before. With 3D, the action is not a flat event that we watch on the screen, it is a living participation, which pops off the screen and happens right in our own home.

Brooklyn Monk 3D

Director, AL Caudullo points out that every major television manufacturer is producing a 3D TV which will come to market in 2011. He believes that 3D is here to stay and that the technology will only get better and better. But, people don’t seem to be waiting to buy a 3D TV before enjoying 3D programming. “We had 100,000 downloads last week (YES one Week-free downloads).” Said Caudullo. “Also we will be doing downloads for the Panasonic 3DTV.”

If you want to see the Brooklyn Monk in 3D, Al has some advice about the glasses. “People can choose from a pop up list for which kind of 3D to watch it with. If they choose red/cyan anaglyph then they can go to my site,  to get free glasses sent to them.”

When asked what it was like working with Al Caudullo, Antonio answered. “Working with Al is always great, because he calms me down and makes me focus. He also knows what will look good on screen, and what won’t”

Posing the same question to Al, “What is it like working with Antonio?” he simply grunted, snorted, rolled his eyes, and then stormed out of the room without saying anything.

It is clearly a friendship and a production team made in Heaven.

The show is a first in the world because it is the first 3D martial arts series, but it is important for a number of other reasons. The web has been democratizing media for some time, giving the little guy a voice, or a chance to make a TV show. Now, the Brooklyn Monk in 3D demonstrates that the little guy can not only make a TV show, but make one, using more advanced technology and faster than network TV.

The first episode is running at with additional episodes, shot on different locations, featuring various martial arts, coming soon.

Brooklyn Monk 3D

Brooklyn Monk in 3D

Order the download at

Antonio Graceffo is a martial arts and adventure author living in Asia. He is the author of six books, available on, most notably, Warrior Odyssey and The Monk from Brooklyn. He is the host of the web TV show Martial Arts Odyssey, which has had over 160 episodes. Of late, he is starring in the world’s first 3D martial arts TV series, Brooklyn Monk.


His website is you can contact him through his website and sign up for his newsletter, as well as order copies of his books or the DVD Martial Arts Odyssey, Volume One—kuntaw-and-bokator/11921381


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Brooklyn Monk in Asia Podcast

Brooklyn Monk in 3D

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Article written by Antonio Graceffo

Antonio Graceffo PhD China-MBA, works as an economics researcher and university professor in China. He holds a PhD from Shanghai University of Sport Wushu Department where he wrote his dissertation “A Cross Cultural Comparison of Chinese and Western Wrestling” in Chinese. He is the author of 8 books, including Warrior Odyssey and The Monk from Brooklyn. His regular column, Destinations, has been running in Black Belt Magazine since 2009. He has fought professionally as a boxer and MMA fighter as well as fighting as an amateur in boxing, sanda, and wrestling. Having spent over 15 years studying martial arts in Asia, he holds black belts in Cambodian Bokator, Filipino Kuntaw and Cambodian traditional kick boxing. In Malaysia, he was the first non-Malay to be awarded the title of Pahlawan Kalam (warrior of Silat Kalam). Currently, he is pursuing a second PhD in economics at Shanghai University, specializing in US-China Trade, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and Trump-China economics. His China economic reports are featured regularly in The Foreign Policy Journal and published in Chinese at The Shanghai Institute of American Studies, a Chinese government think tank.