Back: Bent Over Rows

This movement is great for building thickness in the upper back and lats.

Pulling the bar high into your chest will help thicken your lower traps.

Remember good form is crucial don’t just go up and down with the bar.


Grab the bar with an over hand grip making shore your hands are quite wide on the bar.

Bend over from your hips keeping your back arched. (Do not have your back rounded) and your legs slightly bent and knees locked.

Making shore your back is parallel to the floor and your arms are hanging down.

Now pull the bar straight up to your chest with sum force.

Squeeze your traps as hard as you can at the top of the movement and hold for about two to three seconds.

Lower the bar slowly still keeping tension on the traps, at the bottom of the movement let the weight of the bar stretch the lats.

Bent Over Rows

Bent Over Rows

Bent Over Rows

Article written by Steve Varga

Steve Varga is 35-year-old and began lifting weights at age 20. He competes in competes in the 100kg weight class in powerlifting competitions.

He has made strength and power training his business and sole means of income as a personal trainer, willing and enthusiastic to help others and in turn further his achievements.