Mick Coup

With an extensive and varied background in a multitude of fighting systems, active military service and specialist security operations, Mick Coup provides expert and comprehensive tuition in personal protection, safety and security based only on reality and empirical knowledge.

Mick has a reputation for telling it as it really is, not just how many want it to be - often controversial, but backed by a wealth of ‘in harms way’ high-stakes experience, uncompromising and hard earned at the sharp edge, not just tested but proven beyond doubt - time and time again.

Born in Bradford, West Yorkshire, Mick studied and trained in several traditional and modern martial disciplines from an early age before enlisting in HM Forces, when his focus changed to more pragmatic and functional forms of personal combat to reflect real-life requirements.

This new direction in training was influenced by extensive exposure to specialist military operations and detailed research into numerous and various progressive training resources, from related civilian, military and law-enforcement sectors.

Throughout his 12-year service career - specialising in combined infantry and intelligence-related roles - through to this day and tomorrow, Mick has continually researched and developed functional and effective combative methods, always emphasising efficiency and simplicity as major factors and incorporating, adapting and integrating proven military tactics and real-time tried and tested techniques gained from a combination of military active service and ongoing private security contracts.

From working on high-level close protection and surveillance details, plus armed operations in high-risk environments, to providing and managing security for problematic entertainment venues and acting as a ‘troubleshooter’ resolving sensitive issues for a wide range of domestic and international clients - Mick has had ample opportunity to confirm and validate the effectiveness of his methods, as have many of his previous and current students.

Designing and developing a purely functional, objective-based and requirement-driven concept-method for personal combat has lead Mick to the realisation of his highly acclaimed ‘C2: Core Combatives’ project. Progressive and modular, the C2 concept-model initially provides the necessary ’stripped down’ essentials, and builds layer-by-layer into a full-spectrum combative approach incorporating empty hands, impactive and bladed weapons and the tactical application of personal firearms - suitable and adaptable for the professional and novice alike.

To date, Mick has taught clients ranging from military personnel, law enforcement officers and security professionals, to individuals from various corporate bodies and members of the general public.

Mick continues to be active and operational within the specialist security industry, ensuring nothing less than up-to-date and current material is presented throughout his teaching.

Mick is currently based in Cardiff, South Wales.

Real Combat Experience – Part 3 — The Nature of the Beast

Ever heard the term know your enemy? Does any effective law enforcement team ever raid a suspect’s location without information concerning any occupants who might present threats to their safety? No, because casualties teach hard lessons. How much do you know about the modus operandi of your personal potential threats? I class a real threat […]

Real Combat Experience – Part 2 — The Nature of the Beast

Many experienced individuals have become complacent and underestimated the potency of ‘low-tech’ methods. Have you ever heard that old saying, “Professionals are predictable, unfortunately the world is full of amateurs.” How true, how many ‘experts’ have been hurt and humiliated by untrained, unpredictable, fighters? I certainly have, I admit it. Not often, but I’ve been […]

Real Combat Experience – Part 1 — The Nature of the Beast

I know I’m going to offend someone, somewhere, with this article, so I’ll say sorry now! I realise that a lot of people train in ‘real combat’ systems, but (and here’s the thing) what is real combat and what do most people know about it? Everyone knows about real combat training, yes? Maybe not, if […]

Survival of the Strongest — Build A Better Machine

How many times do we hear, regarding the effectiveness of some system, various statements such as ‘technique not strength’, ‘no matter the opponents size’ etc?  Strange how the people usually hard-selling such notions are often not in ‘prime’ condition themselves, or their target market are the vulnerable persons wanting a ‘magic-wand’ system of evening the […]

The List — Whats Breaking Your Back?

Back in the early 90’s, I put the finishing touches to a highly technical close combat method, which I had developed primarily for military personnel (I was serving at the time).  I taught this method to all manner of military and civilian personnel for many years, even elements of the USAF Security Police and the […]

Tactical Ideas — Tried and Tested

Jab – Cross – Hook! Ever done that in training?  Only about a million times I’m guessing, or something very similar I’m sure!  What kind of striking combinations do you employ and drill to the death on the pads?  The ‘straight blast’ perhaps?  This could get pretty technical couldn’t it?  I’d better stop before this […]