Emanuel Roth

20 plus years of combined Martial Arts and Tactical Industry experience including:

Tae Kwon Do (black belt-first Dan) under Grandmaster Hee Il Cho (United States Tae Kwon Do Union--The World Tae Kwon Do Federation) + CQC instruction + Kickboxing and Muay Thai fighting + traditional Boxing + Blade combatives + Krav Maga + WWII Combatives + Combat Jiu-jitsu + Modern Arnis + real world experience on 4 Continents.

Formerly employed in the Executive Protection/PSD Industry as a professionally trained Personal Protection Specialist . Former bouncer. (Former Security and Private Investigator license holder.)

University education at undergraduate level with a major in Forensic Psychology with an emphasis on Criminal and International Criminal Psychology.

The Role of Controlled Versus Automatic Processing in Self Defense

“You can’t hit and think at the same time”, Yogi Berra. In self defense we talk of ingrained and automatic fighting skills, or simply put “Don’t think, just fight.” While not thinking in a fight is certainly an exaggeration, ingrained and almost automatic fighting skills requiring very little conscious effort has a long history in […]