Annual Australasian CQC Course 2015

Brain to Boot psychological enhancement familiarisation exercises.

The 2015 Todd group Australasian CQC course was conducted between March 19 and March 28.

There were three courses of instruction conducted, beginning with a phase 3 specialist course leading into a phase 2 advanced and phase 1 basic courses of instruction.

The Todd group established in 1927 by the late Harry Baldock now the Todd group first offered national and international applications for an intensive course of instruction for current members and entry level exponents in 1996.

This year was the first year that the annual Australian course was combined with the annual Todd group HQ course.

This course titled the annual Australasian course really did achieve all objectives.

Being able to have the exponents and instructors staying in barracks at camp Todd and being able to transport exponents and instructors to the old Todd group HQ enabled continue training in the evenings after a full day’s training in camp.

The weather once again was favourable to the annual course and although we had wet weather outdoors training facilities available, we did not need to use them.

The weather gods must truly look favourably on our CQC courses when you consider since 1996 we have never been affected by rain or bad weather.

The standard on this course like last year’s courses exported to Thailand was extremely high with the most current tactics and skills really proving their worth.

Military CQC being a living package requires skills to be developed to stay ahead of the most current threats.

This being the case requires proponents to undergo regular continuation training to remain current and be up with the most current and proven tactics and skills.

The 2015 annual Australasian course attracted good musters of committed realist lads and lasses.

The soon to be released brain to boot psychological enhancement and conditioning manual package was introduced on course.

Attending exponents and instructors were able to read draft copies of the 500+ pages brain to boot manual and they partook in the audio training exercises comprising of unarmed offensive assault and unarmed counter offensive assault expected an unexpected actions on exercises.

Brain to boot psychological enhancement audio commands and instructions training.

All attendees on course were able to train in the defensive tactics, control and restraint primary options of detailing handling as well as the D-WAR counter serious sexual violence introduction.

Detainee handling training.

Big Jim delivered two evenings of extremely interesting practical tips for hunting tracking and snaring of game.

He also covered knife work in relation to knives selection usage and sharpening for hunting and around the camp along with methods of starting a campfire.

This concluded with teaching attendees how to skin a wild pig.

The lads and lasses on course really enjoyed the opportunity to see such a skilled and seasoned great outdoors man demonstrating and sharing some of his wealth of knowledge.

Before we knew it day six was upon us and the phase 2 test was being conducted.

There were five extremely worthy candidates all that had logged the required 400 hours of phase 2 advanced training to make them eligible to phase 2 test.

I’m pleased to report all candidates surpassed the required objectives and Phase 2 advanced qualified being promoted to phase 3 specialist training.

Day seven and it was the phase 1 basic test with four worthy candidates volunteering for the test phase.

Toughener and sickener phase 1 test.

Phase 1 test.

Three candidates passed their phase 1 test with promotion to phase 2 advanced training.


Technique to command.

Phase 1 test BHE.

Put down training.


Immediately after the phase 1 basic test. The Todd group annual prize giving was conducted followed by a time for all attendees and HQ staff and exponents to mingle and dine on a -fine spit roast.

The following are some comments from attending exponents and instructors in relation to their opinions of the course and training.

This experience was second to none in combative training.

The depth of history at the Todd group facility in unarmed combat is exceptional.

The camp is a great setting for CQC training and the World War II army huts and mess Hall made for a very unique experience combined with good old outdoors training.

The Todd group camp property set in native bush and farm land is really something special.

Looking around the Todd group headquarters at the history and connections to military CQC of yesteryear just reinforces how fortunate we are to be able to train at the oldest training place of its kind with such a long history in connection with military CQC training.

The Todd group has not sacrificed its setting of tough standards and you have two really be serious and committed to achieve.

I have travelled and trained in combative based systems for over 30 years and have never been to any other facility like the Todd group.

They simply have a pedigree and long history long history that is very special and unique combined with such structured phases of training.

The skills all fit together so well and are so practical and effective.

You meet so many interesting people on Todd group courses with such interesting backgrounds.

The last week has been a unique and amazing experience

The guys around you define esprit de corps – I have never before experienced such a feeling amongst any group of individuals

Being able to train at camp in such a committed environment was fantastic, it has really helped me with my training. I appreciated being taught those outdoor and survival skills from you and Jim too.

Being involved in the Todd Group very much keeps me in contact with individuals whose skill level is in a different realm to my own. The benefit of training with such capable people is immense.

The Master instructors on course are walking examples of mastery in their craft. I am not blowing smoke when I describe the value in learning from the very best.

I also admire the humbleness of individuals. No one walks around like a ‘thug’ or displays arrogance, which are both traits that I despise!

What I learned: You need to own particular skills but have an in depth understanding of concept and application. Have contingency plans in place as every encounter will be different and ‘textbook’ answers only work in choreography!

The March Course provided the opportunity to focus on skills with a group of peers, without distractions, with masters of their craft. The benefits you gain is based on the effort you, as an individual, are willing to put in. The results you achieve are immeasurable in terms of satisfaction and individual self- confidence, but always based on reality.

It was fantastic to spend some time in Dunedin again and catch up with a bunch of people I respect and like.

All instructors provide a great guidance and inspiration. The environment was light-hearted when appropriate in serious when required.

You taught me that deliberation consideration and decisiveness a prudent when neutralising a threat.

Source: CQC Times

Article written by Tank Todd

Special Operations CQB Master Chief Instructor. Over 30 years experience. The only instructor qualified descendent of Baldock, Nelson, and Applegate. Former instructors include Harry Baldock (unarmed combat instructor NZ Army WWII), Colonel Rex Applegate OSS WWII and Charles Nelson, US Marine Corps. Tank has passed his Special Forces combative instructor qualification course in Southeast Asia and is certified to instruct the Applegate, Baldock and Nelson systems. His school has been operating for over eighty years and he is currently an Army Special Operations Group CQB Master Chief Instructor. His lineage and qualifications from the evolutionary pioneers are equalled by no other military close combat instructor. His operation includes his New Zealand headquarters, and 30 depots worldwide as well as contracts to train the military elite, security forces, and close protection specialists. Annually he trains thousands of exponents and serious operators that travel down-under to learn from the direct descendant of the experts and pioneers of military close combat. Following in the footsteps of his former seniors, he has developed weapons, and training equipment exclusive to close combat and tactical applications. He has published military manuals and several civilian manuals and produced DVDs on urban self protection, tactical control and restraint, and close combat. He has racked up an impressive 100,000+ hours in close combat.