In 1996 after 25 years of teaching I decided that I would go to Hollywood. I dreamed that I could be part of the next "Enter the New Dragon", "The New Karate Kid", or the new cult of "Blood sport". I was prepared to take any job be it sweeping floors, carrying towels or just watching. I just wanted to be part of the excitement.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would be part of this new Van Damme blockbuster "Kumite".
Jean Claude van Damme – Bassai
I would like to invite you to join me on this magical ride from the very beginning. Join the Dojo and share the excitement!
We all know that Van Damme is a champion martial artist but at the start of his remarkable career he made a conscious decision to move to Tinsel town USA, and become the next major action star. He did it. Climbing onto the success of "Bloodsport" he continued to make spectacular movies that his army of fans queued to see all over the world.
Jean Claude van Damme – Gyaku
"Kumite" will be the fighting arts movie of movies. It will feature the best of the best artists and world champion fighters – wild bunch all coming together to produce the ultimate fighting arts film. "Kumite" will be a film where the fighting arts will be elevated by fresh ideas, engrossing story and a new type of tournament. It will create a new approach to test the top fighters with brand new faces and real champions. Van Damme has been working on the script for over three years to reach the perfection that he insists on to demonstrate the art of winning. He has assembled a team of professional actors, stunt arrangers and artists, consultants and film crew to bring this extraordinary story to the screen. Names like Jerome Lebonner, Malaipet (The Diamond) a real Muay Thai fighter with 150 pro fights and 130 wins, and many more fighters of equal stature.
Jean Claude van Damme – Side Kick
I have read the script and I really believe that it will bring the art of martial arts back to the dignity and respectability that it so rightfully deserves. I asked Van Damme why he was so passionate about this movie and he replied, "It's time the public got to know the martial arts for exactly what they are. Real Karate, real Muay Thai, real Savate and no holds barred. They are all equally good with their strong and weak points, but they all deserve the respect by the non-practitioners and that is my goal in "Kumite".
When I visited Jean Claude he went through and explained the final fight scene that has a sensational idea. It includes quality martial arts and dignity that only the Masters like Kano, Funakoshi, Oyama, and Miyagi could have wished for. If they could they would stand and applaud and then bow deeply at this ending which is totally original.
Jean Claude van Damme – Swords
The real bonus in addition is that Van Damme has given me permission to put the word out to the world wide martial arts community that those who would like to be involved in the movie can send in their professional demo reel (not longer than 5 minutes) and your personal martial arts resume including current height, recent headshot, nationality (as per your passport) and all your contact information. We are looking for real experts, short and tall, fighters, coaches, and instructors.
(Description of types still required)
Maxine Germain: French champion Savate fighter, bears a grudge against humanity because of abuse in childhood and is vowing for revenge by the only way that he knows-total victory.
Kunta Makaba: Age 33, 6'2"-6'7", Africa's most notorious mass murderer and known as that. Is promised freedom if he succeeds in winning the championship. The taste of freedom is within his grasp.
Abdoul Benjamoul: Huge Arab fighter of Middle Eastern origin. Trained to the peak of perfection and bristling with muscle. Dreamed all his life to take part in the strongest combat ever.
Topal Majal Indian contender who has been testing his strength which has never failed him and to prove his mystical powers all over India. A strength that has never failed him. And now this is the chance for him to test his strength in America and to become an international hero in the Indian sub continent. A chance not to be missed.
Please send all the information to –
Rising Sun Productions
628 N. Doheny Drive
Los Angeles
CA 90069
JCVD has been seen at the gym training for at least 3 to 4 hours a day in preparation for "Kumite". Training includes, weights, stretching, bag work, cardio. Sparring and diet are part of the daily routine and he is pushing himself to his own personal best as you can see by the recently shot photos. He realizes that the success of "Kumite" can be his purpose for being here.
Van Damme also wants everybody to know that he is finally opening his official fan club. All details are on his all new web site at
Check it out for developing information on "KUMITE"