The World Association Of Kickboxing Organisation Full contact evening held on Saturday 29th of January was another huge success with a full house of spectators. Before the report, WAKO (NZ) President Rick Dobson would like to offer his sincere condolences to the Family, Friends and Fighters of Nick Scott, Coach to 'Town 'N' Town' Muay Thai club of Hamilton, who was tragically killed the following day after this event in a terrible boating accident. His fighters showed true Martial Arts spirit, and great fighting skills with five wins out of six bouts. Nicks club have indicated they will continue the club in Nicks memory. Our thoughts are with you.
The event was scheduled for 16 fights and a competition from Mania female Sport fighters, which is a tag team Submission fighting bout. Most fights were first timers and the evening proved how different disciplines could all compete together under the umbrella of Kickboxing. Competitors from, Tae Kwon Do, Karate, Muay Thai and Kickboxing all fought under the same rules and with the same spirit.
The crowd enjoyed some fantastic fights of Full Contact Kickboxing, The full bar and Hot food on offer made the night a great event. The Womens Submission fighting received great applause. The main event between Brad Johanson of Te Awamutu Phantoms and Joseph Ngarimu of Otorohanga was cancelled at the last minute due to Ngarimu being involved in a car accident on route to the venue. Toa Fighting system of Auckland Peter 'Sugar Rush' Thompsons bout against Terry Anderson of Town N Town, was stepped up to the main event and brought the house down with some exceptionally good work from Thompson Who showed both skill and maturity in his kickboxing.
WAKO Full Contact Tournament winner Peter Thompson
Tamsin Rigold of Toa Fighting systems also brought the house down in the previous fight by stopping Phantom Kickboxing's Abbey Leggett in the 2nd round. Glenview Martial Arts had some bad luck with some close decisions going against them although their fighters put up some awesome shows especially 42years old Daryl Smith taking on a much younger Leith Trail from Tauranga Phantoms. Whakatane's Kotaga Ryu young blood, Bruno Butler had a good fight against Glenview's Khong Keopraseth winning his debut bout at 16yrs old. Former NZ champion Rennei Bevins proved she's also a good coach putting her Waikato Womens Freestyle Kickboxers in the ring for the first time and 16yrs old Nui Mathews taking a good win from mania Sportfighting Gym of Aucklands Leigh Peters. Chanel Nuimata of Mania/Balmoral Lee Gar showed his experience against a much heavier Richard Ogle of Putaruru taking the decision of each round but honoured Ogle by awarding his winners trophy to him at the end of the bout. Te Aroha Freestyle Karate put out three fighters and Waikeria Hawks Tae Kwon Do placed one fighter all fought well but were all beaten.
Apart from some blooded noses no injuries were reported and the St Johns Ambulance staff were left to enjoy the evenings event. World Association Of Kickboxing Organisations Amateur rules insists on shin and foot protectors and headguards to eliminate injuries as much as possible. Four of the sixteen bouts were female fights and a mix of martial artists from Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai and Kickboxing, travelling to the event from all over the North Island including Auckland Wangarei and Whakatane.
W.A.K.O. (NZ) is holding a Semi-contact competition on March 5th, and a Full Contact fight on April 30th which are run ups to the National Championships in May (Semi/Forms) and July (Full Contact). The winners of each National Fighting division will be invited to compete at the World Championships to be held in Hungary at the end of November.
WAKO (NZ) would like to thank all its sponsors of the evening who helped make the event a great success, Tutaki Whanau, Matamata Auto Electrical, A Howard, R & A Stuart, Pete's Bar Matamata, L & M Gosnell, Power Chill Te Awamutu, Tohikiterangi Revival Church, Marty's Gym, Ch Allen Ltd, Gee Falling Ltd, Bargain Timber Fencing, Mad Butcher, Pulse Band, Tupperware, Liquorland, Civic Video. A big thanks to Civic Video for the ticket sales. Waipa racing club for the venue, Te Awamutu Boxing Club for their assistance, and The Alpha Steak House for the catering.
Rick Dobson
W.A.K.O. (NZ) President.