The final exported course to our hub international country Thailand was again an excellent training experience.
Providing the unique opportunity to combine civilians and military personnel on the same course of instruction providing benefits to both groups.
Combined Mill Civi Pers training above and below.
These courses are proving excellent opportunities for our phase 3 proponents to get up valuable instructing time for both these civilian and military groups.
Being well established now in country and having a permanent in country personal assistant on course manager makes instructors and exponents stay very user-friendly.
We require applicants to meet course joining conditions and the courses appeal to by majority individuals with practical smarts and inner resolve and such individuals are those that achieve.
Interestingly we are not only the oldest training organisation of our kind but also manage to conduct capacity course schedules every year, even though we only train committed realist adults.
The Todd group having depots and instructors nationally and internationally ensure we have committed exponent’s and highly qualified instructors on all courses and are not reliant on general public recruiting.
The non-members that we attract via our Todd group HQ website and our elite action adventure combative tourism website are individuals committed to self-improvement looking for a military combative challenge as civilians.
We recruit exponents one by one and identify train test and qualify candidates also one by one.
Courses also attract current and former military and law enforcement personnel.
Generally, we find serving military personnel on course bring a high level of battle and physical fitness combined with their CQB/CQC prior training , whereas the civilians that are serious Todd group proponents with extensive CQB/CQC training testing and qualification backgrounds by majority bring a higher skill level on course but a lesser degree of physical fitness.
Military CQC requires considerably less physical fitness and strength capabilities than combat sports being based dirty and deadly tactical proven skills comprise.
Improvised weapon threat neutralisation post disarming.
However the physically fitter and stronger the individual exponent is the better.
Obviously some of our civilian members are very physically fit through sports including combat sports training.
This course was made up of half civilians half Thai military personnel.
Conducting phase 1 basic as well as phase 2 advanced and phase 3 specialist training simultaneously provided a hive of constant combative activity.
Staying in Navy quarters next to the ocean and beside the training ground provides variety of training environments and convenience.
The exponents and instructors alike on course enjoy the getting back to basics in relation to basic CQC field training environment and equipment.
Even though this was the Thai winter the temperature was high and the sea breeze was much appreciated.
Night combative amphib training was something we all look forward to not only for the tactics and skills benefits but also for the soothing effects the warm waters had on the aches and pains of the long days training.
The reality is the exported international course environment were exponent’s are on base and have no external distractions combined with constant all day and nights of training provides an extensive an intensive combative experience.
The phase 2 group working to get up their required 400 hours trained diligently and managed to cover a majority of primary options in all the phase 2 advanced modules.
Only continuation training getting up the required mandatory hours and achieving proficiency combined with increasing the intensity will prepare them to phase 2 test.
The serious phase 2 exponent’s understand the importance of attending as many consecutive phase 2 intensive courses of instruction as possible to ensure they best progress and reduce any effects of skill fade as a result of long breaks between week-long courses attendance.
The phase 1 course of instruction and testing was conducted on land sand and in the sea.
Considerable time once individual exponent’s primary unarmed offensive assault options were confirmed was spent on ensuring the individual exponent options were correct in relation to execution and that the employment level exceeded an enabling level by considerable.
Accurate controlled aggression as a result of the individual combatants competency and confidence capabilities on course increases ensured positive progress and increased safety. The first part of the week employed unarmed offensive assault options capabilities were developed and the objective in the second part of the week was to ensure required for phase testing controlled aggressive combative skills employment levels were achieved.
The phase 1 test is a very personal undertaking that should only be attempted when the individual feels confident mentally and skills wise and this is supported by the instructing team individual progress reports.
The military group received training in phase 1 basic and phase 3 specialist skills in both unarmed and armed combat as part of their specific course of instruction.
The phase 1 test military drills technique to command was conducted both on the training field and in the sea.
The toughness and sickener phases consisting of coming back from the dead and combat milling tested and trued the two phase 1 test candidates cover guard capabilities and inner resolve.

The self defence modules of live blade edged weapon disarming as well as ambush phase at weapon point knife disarming showed both candidates could conduct themselves with confidence and control achieving the required disarming competency levels.
The same required skill proficiency and confidence was proven in the long bludgeon and long edged weapon disarming under incoming assault as well as in the long bludgeon weapon ambush threat neutralisation.
Seizure prevention and when compromised secure seizure escapes were executed against a formidable enemy party above the required phase test pass levels.
The combative phase was conducted initially on the training field beside the barracks and then moved gradually towards the ocean being conducted on hard sand soft sand and then in the sea.
The battle handling exercises are always the primary indication of a candidates capabilities under sudden aggressive shock action where they must make tactically correct assessments and decisions to neutralise a threat without hesitation on the move.
Facing the unknown combined with the surprise factor moving from unknown location to unknown location ensures the candidates must conduct themselves combatively by means of real time assessment and tactically correct skills decision-making.
The enemy party consisted of phase 1,2 and 3 proponents that made every effort to ensure candidates were tested under realistic conditions.
The candidates conducting themselves at a high state of readiness and alertness combined with employing anti combat and counter tactic’s and skills made it difficult for the enemy party to be able to take them completely by surprise. Utilising more than one enemy per at each threat location provided a higher factor of confusion level that demanded candidates were constantly alert on guard and utilising hard targeting tactics to increase personal safety and security. The harder more difficult targets they could make themselves increased their time and range to effectively and correctly neutralise the enemy party threat.
After the battle handling exercises the two phase 1 test candidates were back to the sea for unarmed offensive and counteroffensive assault skills employments under the difficulties of amphibious environment and conditions requiring them to utilise the skills they had learnt on the night time amphib CQC training during the week.
Phase 1 self defence skills were also required to escape secure seizure and neutralise the threat as part of this final amphib testing phase.
The final test component was skills retention in the form of military drill combative technique to command starting in the sea and ending on the beach.
We have test phases where no one passes or a small percentage of candidates achieve the objectives and pass.
This phase test consisting of two sound candidates achieved a 100% success with both candidates passing their phase 1 basic test and were accepted for promotion to phase 2 training.
The Todd group ethos is to set and maintain military combative standards and the only way to do this is by testing proving passing qualifying one candidate a time and never lowering standards or allowing for political or any form or means of passing other than surpassing all the objectives and required test confidence and competency levels.
Congratulations lads on passing your phase 1 basic test.
The 2015 calendar is filling quickly and the public application courses are posted on the Todd group HQ website toddgroup.com as well as on our combative tourism website www.eliteactionadventure.com
Confirmed course dates and locations to date for 2015.
Dunedin, New Zealand – February – Todd Group HQ Dunedin residents first 2015 CQC intake. Course information. Apply Online
Dunedin, New Zealand – March – Todd Group HQ Annual Australasian CQB/CQC intensive course of instruction. Course information. Poster. Apply Online. ? March 22 to 28 – Phase 1 and 2
March 19 to 21 – Phase 3
• Dunedin, New Zealand – August – Todd Group HQ Final 2014 CQC intake. Dunedin residence.
Stockport, England – May 2nd – May 7th 2015 – United Kingdom CQC Course.
Leipzig, Germany – May 10th – May 16th 2015 – 3rd Elite Combative Challenge Germany.
Chonburi, Thailand – May 24th – May 29th 2015 – Thailand CQC basic advanced and specialist intensive courses.
Auckland, New Zealand – June 7th – June 13th 2015 – Auckland Annual CQB/CQC Course.
Zambia, Africa – June 29th – July 5th 2015 – Zambia CQC course.
Centurion, South Africa – September 7th – September 13th 2015 – Todd Group South Africa Exported CQB/CQC course.
•Pattaya, Thailand – September 20th – September 30th 2015 – CPP (Close Personal Protection) exported course Thailand.
Dates for 2015 Philippines and December Thailand course will be posted at toddgroup.com and www.eliteactionadventure.com as soon as they are confirmed.
Full course information joining instructions and on –line application from the above websites.