Yes Team Voodoo Kings very impatiently await the arrival of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Black Belt Johnny Gee in late December 2004 and he is very much looking forward to catching up with everyone he met on his last trip.
Johnny Gee relaxing in typical Dunedin weather after another hard training session with Team Voodoo King in 2003.
I last wrote about Johnny after in the May 2003 for Fight Times after he competed in their fight night beating Rob Cooper in under 2 minutes in a NHB Vale Tudo event.
Not that Fight Times is on the net he might be able to read this in his hometown before he leaves for Dunedin.
Since returning to Sa'o Paulo in July 2003 he has been awarded his black belt and pasted the dreaded Samurai test and paid the Voodoo King boys a great compliment for helping prepare for this with all the training. (Basically he rolled twice a day, 6 days a week for nearly six months with us; he kicked our butts ALOT!
Johnny has been very busy fitting in his varsity studies as well as teaching and training jiu jitsu every night, plus a women's self-defence course in the weekends.
His Master Flavio Behring has complimented about how good his teaching has become so it is with great anticipation that we are awaiting Johnny's return in late December to see how our training has progressed in the last 18 months without our Brazilian Master.
In the last phone call to him he told me that even after some 30 hours of flying to get here he wants to roll with us on the same night, (to kick some Kiwi butt).
So the Voodoo King boys have decided to take the mats to the airport to meet him! Believe it!
Cheers Howie