Submission Guidelines

Fight Times e-Magazine is an independent publication with opportunities for responsible individuals or organisations to have input regarding news, views and articles whenever possible. The focus of content in Fight Times is martial arts, combat sports, boxing, and wrestling. Submissions are welcome from authors from any country, style, or code.

Article, Photo, & Artwork Specifications

Submission Methods

Email articles, photos, and artwork to

Article Format for emailed submissions

Articles may be submitted in following formats (listed in order of preference):

  • Microsoft Word (.docx, doc)
  • Rich Text Format (.rtf)
  • HTML (.htm / .html)

Photos and artwork may embedded in documents, however you must resize all images before adding them to the document.

Please do not send articles in  PDF format. 

Additional Article Information

You are welcome to submit the following information with your articles:

  • Links – to websites related to your submission
  • Club or Association Logo (if you have permission to use it)
  • Keywords – a list of any keywords relevant to your article.
  • Author Biography

Photo / Image / Artwork Format

Photos may be submitted in the following formats (listed in order of preference):

  • JPEG (.jpeg / .jpg)
  • GIF (.gif)
  • PNG (.png)

Photos for inclusion with articles should be scanned in colour (when possible) at a minimum resolution of 150 DPI (dots per inch). The maximum dimensions for photos are:

Portrait: 600 pixels high
Jason Suttie
Landscape: 600 pixels wide
Jason Suttie

Logos and Artwork may be submitted in the following formats (listed in order of preference):

  • GIF (.gif)
  • JPEG (.jpeg / .jpg)
  • PNG (.png)

The Fight Times editorial team reserves the right to reject any submitted articles, photos, or artwork that doesn’t fit the submission guidelines and editorial policies.