United Kingdom, Germany, Thailand, New Zealand
The Todd Group exported courses of instruction as part of our annual global training circuits including our elite action adventure combative tourism in Thailand continues to achieve full musters. More importantly the exponents and instructors on course are committed combatants.
This latest circuit begun in the United Kingdom where we conducted a full phase 1 basic course of instruction.
Ron Evans one of the Todd Group’s senior instructors with a wealth of military service and civilian instructing was the course manager.
I was assisted by Ron and Dr Steffan Ericsson on course on course with instructing duties.
The course was conducted in Stockport and our hosts were so hospitable.
Already we are planning on next years return course of instruction.
As with my previous visits to the United Kingdom most attendees have been searching for instruction from instructors with qualifications from the pioneers of military close quarters combat and close quarters battle and that are current instructors to the military.
When I first visited the UK many years ago I expected to find qualified instructors from the legendary British unarmed, instructors of World War II operating facilities.
sadly this was not the case. We at the Todd Group have a commitment to providing our training packages and expertise to serious responsible and committed realist military combative enthusiasts globally.
This course attracted every day people without egos or attitudes that simply enjoy their training and strive for self improvement.
Reintroducing some of the former tactics and skills that have stood the test of time as well as our most current proven practices will stand to future proof the continuation of such training in the United Kingdom.
While we did not conduct a phase 1 basic test on this visit and we did not plan to, I can see in the near future phase test candidates passing the phase test and becoming basic level instructors and continuing with our work and the work of our legendary pioneer former instructors.
The course included training in our psychological conditioning for battle brain to boot package as well as a full medical implications of close quarters combat presentation by myself and Dr Steffan Eriksson.
Steffan and I have delivered such lectures and lessons before and Steffan is the writer of the med-cell column on both the following e-mags. cqctimes.com and www.fighttimes.com
Steffan and I work closely on many projects relating to military close quarters combat, military close quarters battle, defensive tactics and specialist security training including for hospitals emergency rooms, forensic usage and paramedics.
Steffan is the CEO of clinical tactical systems PTY. Ltd and provides in association with the Todd Group specialised training for medical professionals and safe and proven patient handling.
With his emergency and psychiatric doctor background we have developed many unique and specialist packages including specialist crisis and risk management for clinical as well as military roles.
We hope to in the future conduct such training as part of our exported courses of instruction.
After an excellent course in Stockport we visited Manchester and the Manchester City football stadium as well as the old Coronation Street set.
Many new friendships were made in the United Kingdom and with military combative enthusiasts enquiries being received already next years UK course can only grow.

From Manchester it was off to Frankfurt Germany where our course manager Ken Osterreich met Steffan and I and transported us back to Stuttgart in preparation for our upcoming phase 1 basic and phase 2 advanced CQC courses of instruction.
Our accommodation was close to our training facility which was again generously provided by Mike Strauch a phase 2 advanced CQC Todd Systems proponent.
Mike owns and operates Cross Fit assault Stuttgart.
The course was conducted in two training areas to separate phase 1 basic and phase 2 advanced training.
Phase 2 advanced and phase 3 specialist are restricted training phases to exponent’s that have passed the required tests phases to partake in the training.
Out of respect to our rank and file that have done so the training is closed to observers or anyone that has not earned the right to be in attendance.
This is why the Todd Group does not produce DVDs or publish manuals on phase 2 advanced or phase 3 specialist training.
The technique to command required Ken to translate my drill commands which provided some challenging translation interpretations for Ken even with his Ph.D. and considerable academic backgrounds.
Some of the combative military terminology simply does not easily translate into other languages.
The week went very quickly and the attendees committed to self-improvement applied themselves well to not only learning the skills but also increasing their proficiency at them.
Before we knew it we had reached the morning of day six and the phase 1 test.
Three of the attendees stepped up and accepted the challenge of phase 1 testing.
All three had interesting backgrounds and had considerable achievement to their name.
They had undergone a CQC (TOET) test of elementary training the day before and this had identified any weaknesses that required immediate remedial training practice.
The phase 1 test is very unpredictable and is a very personal experience where the candidate is more challenged by themselves than their enemy party in many instances.
Unfortunately all three candidates were removed from the test phase early for not achieving the required levels and objectives.
The reality of a live blade and a minor cut received as well as the psychological pressure of information retention and the required high level of skills execution simply proved overwhelming on this occasion. However with the testing being strict and to the point and neither favoring or prejudicing any candidate, it is very self revealing and the individual candidates were well aware of their shortcomings on the day.
If it doesn’t kill you as the old saying goes it only makes you stronger more committed and more determined.
Many excellent proponents have previously failed phase tests and gone on to lead by example with excellent proficiency and confidence.
Anyone that decides to give it away really didn’t deserve it anyway.
While encouragement and every assistance is given in training under test conditions it is very important that candidates are left alone to make their own decisions and determine their own outcomes.
There simply is no place to hide and every weakness and strength is very evident to the instructor team conducting the assessment.
I look forward to seeing the three candidates back on course and undergoing testing again next year if there desire is increased by their recent testing experience.
Anyone who accepts the challenge must be commended.
The Todd Group encourages self-improvement striving for as close to combative excellence, humanly possible and importantly requires candidates to be quietly confident achievers that respect instructors and fellow exponent’s alike.
Individuals that can overcome their fears and go forward with confidence and combative competence in the achievement of the objectives are what the phase test is about identifying.
We have seen such candidates from Germany achieve their objectives on course in Germany and also at the Todd Group headquarters in New Zealand and look forward to seeing more individuals except the challenge and achieve their objectives next year.

Thailand CQB/CQC course May 25 to May 30
This course broke new ground with the first phase 2 test being conducted in Southeast Asia.
It also was a course that set the standards for being managed and conducted at such a high standard.
This was amongst the in country political turmoil, that had no effect on the course at all.
The Todd Group headquarters training team and south-east Asian course coordinator and manager ensured the exponents on course were well taken care of.
This course was the most professional and well-run exported course to South East Asia that I have been involved in.
Staying on base so close to the ocean and land training facility is truly advantageous.
The Commodore and his personnel assisted and obliged us in every way possible during a difficult political time.
Unfortunately the full course of Thai military Pers had to be withdrawn from the course before it started as their service was required elsewhere.
We look forward to seeing them on the next course later this year.
The individual combatants on this course came from wide ranging backgrounds professions and sports including combat sports.
More and more fighting arts and combat sports practitioners are doing their research and signing up on Todd Group CQC intensive courses of instruction and test phases for the dirty tricks and especially for the military disarming skills training.
As with all Todd Group week-long intensive courses of instruction days and nights are full schedules.
After eight hours combative training and a quick dinner the amphib military self defence and military combative training was undertaken for basic phase 1, advanced phase 2 and specialist phase 3 exponents.
The course also included an introduction to psychological conditioning for CQC and the D-WAR (declare war against rape) counter skills.
The heat affected some exponent’s combined with the rigours of training on the sand and slush at low tide.
But they all battled on giving it their best.
The week included an introduction to battle fitness training for those willing to volunteer.
Some of these lads are in peak physical fitness and the nature of the unfamiliar range of gut-buster practical exercises tested them to extremes in relation to achieving the required physical objectives.
The phase 1 and phase 2 exponents on this course were instructed by 6 phase three specialist proponents/instructors.
These intensive courses at our exported courses global hub country Thailand provide the phase three specialist proponents not only with the opportunity to partake in some phase three specialist armed and unarmed combat training but importantly ensure they are current in phase 1 and phase 2 skills and maintain their current instructor status by either instructing or assistant instructing specific modules on course.
The phase 1 and phase 2 attendees on this course were not only trained all day by our phase three instructors in attendance but also received additional training in the evenings and could ask questions of and receive assistance from their instructors at any time.
All phases of training combined for the technique to command military combative drills phases and the brain to boot psychological conditioning for battle training exercises phases.
The camaraderie of barracks accommodation and the limited downtime is all part of the development of committed responsible exponent’s that respect themselves and their training makes, instructors and the chain of command.
The accommodation facilities are first class clean and tidy and well maintained and our on base caterer provides fine Thai meals.
Having a phase 3 specialist course assistant instructor that is a medical doctor is very helpful in dealing with the cuts and bruises and concussion aspects.
The Doc is well respected not only for his medical and psychiatry expertise but also as a respected Todd Group training team instructor that has come up through the ranks himself.
Doc accompanied me on this instructing circuit to the United Kingdom, Germany and Thailand.
Day five and the first phase 2 test to be conducted in Southeast Asia was undertaken discreetly without fuss.
These two lads are truly prime physical combative examples with their committed participation not only in CQC but also in power lifting and cross fit competition.
The two candidates tested themselves skills wise and each other physically for close to 3 hours, to ensure they were proficient in all the phase 2 advanced modules.
I personally had the privilege of partaking in the phase 2 test as the enemy party and getting down and dirty with these two excellent candidates.
They were required to personally dig deep and fight exhaustion and the heat of the afternoon sun.
Just maintaining focus and being able to process commands and instructions was difficult enough let alone executing skills with commitment and maintaining inner resolve.
However these two good candidates managed to achieve all objectives surpassing all required standards to successfully pass their phase 2 advanced Todd systems combative test and be promoted to phase 3 specialist training.
This is something very special when you consider the Todd Group is the oldest training provider of its kind being established in 1927 by our pioneer instructor the late Harry Baldock and with some of the leading combatants before them that have also passed.
Day 6 and the phase 1 test.
Unfortunately one of the candidates who has put in more than enough hours to test and was certainly ready willing and able was unable to test as a result of a concussion received when he was knocked down on day 5.
The Docs assessment and the individuals own common sense knowing that he was far from right ensured the safe and right decision was made.
There was only one phase 1 candidate that volunteered for testing.
This young man who is a top sportsman in his own right had to endure an enemy party made up of phase 2 and phase 3 proponents.
His courage and commitment was never in doubt but the effects of the heat and intensity as well as the psychological risk factors in relation to injuring enemy pers or being injured yourself is what makes the Todd Group phase tests so different to other physical pursuits.
The phase tests are based on the military science of CQB and CQC and are not exact sciences but they are a real test of gross motor skills being performed with cohesion and proficiency under stress and with the factor of confusion always present.
This test phase was conducted in an amphib environment which adds to the physical effort requirements.
The candidate gave his very best exhausting all his physical capabilities and truly relying on his mental toughness.
He gave it all and left everything on the test course and after successfully passing his phase 1 basic test, honestly said it was the most demanding thing he has ever undertaken.
His quiet confidence and commitment enabled him to endure extremes and achieve the objectives.
Che entered the course of instruction and test phase with the right attitude.
His honesty post course in relation to just how demanding this test phase was said it all.
He learned much about himself and his superiors and fellow exponents learned much about him.
New friendships have been made from this unique combative experience and ultimate CQC challenge, that the phase 1 testing is.
Last week one of the many enquiries I had forwarded to me from the Todd Group HQ to me while away on this instructing circuit, went like this.
What is required before attending an intensive course of instruction and what is it like on course and testing.
The reality and reply will be, first apply and be accepted, second abide by the course joining instructions provided, third turn up and apply yourself to self improvement combatively.
You will receive all the required tactics and skills training on your intensive course of instruction and you will be prepared and briefed in relation to the test phase objectives and requirements.
Che showed common sense and intestinal fortitude partaking in the training and phase testing preparation requirements with attention to detail and determination.
There is nothing more we can ask of a candidate.
Training is one thing, however the test phase where there is nowhere to hide and you must show proficiency is very different.
Even prior to phase tests where assessments have been undertaken on the individual candidates including (TOETs) test of elementary training, under test phase conditions the individual candidates abilities and capabilities can be considerably different.
The training and preparation for testing ensures the candidate has the best combative tactics and skills preparation nothing more and they must bring the will and intestinal fortitude to the test phase.
All the skills training under taken without the psychological high level of inner resolve win not just survive capabilities amount to little. The most important means of empowerment in relation to achieving required combative test levels and objectives is mental toughness and psychological confidence.
After two countries on the circuit and not having a candidate phase test it was pleasing to the instructing team to finish this leg of the exported courses circuit with two phase 2 candidates and one phase 1 candidate passing their test phases.

I met up with my friend and training associate Ken Richter of the Ranger training group to discuss upcoming and future courses and brief Ken on our elite action adventure combative tourist challenges and exported courses operational model and recruiting strategies that are making it so successful.
Ken is also a member of the International close combat instructors association and his Ranger training conduct adventure survival and confidence building training.
Link to Ranger training group website. https://www.ranger-specialforces-training.com/
Now it was preparation time for the November exported CQC courses to Malaysia and the Philippines and a September Close Personal Protection course and December CQC course in Thailand. After under taking a recce in Malaysia it was time to head back to our Todd Group New Zealand HQ for a quick turnaround before the SpecForce Auckland annual CQC course.
For upcoming courses information. toddgroup.com www.eliteactionadventure.com free e-mag CQC Time cqctimes.com.

If you want to be the best close quarter’s combatant you can be and be trained by the oldest private training provider of our kind, then simply accept the challenge and apply online at the above.

Todd Group Annual CQC course at Spec Force Auckland 2014
After a quick turnaround on return from the UK, Europe and Southeast Asia. Courses it was off to Auckland for the annual Todd Group CQC course conducted at Spec Force.
This course attracted phase 1 and phase 2 groups of committed exponents.
The Todd Group phase 2 advanced and phase 3 specialist training is restricted to only proponents that have earned the right of attendance through passing phase tests.
The phase 2 training was conducted in a private area of the main facility but both phases combined for drills and toughener and sickener training.
SpecForce and the Todd Group with their extensive military training records of service in their respective fields fit well together in the provision of training for serious committed realists.
The Todd Group attracts operators and instructors from all over the world, including services instructors from throughout New Zealand. The six days of training were cram packed with instruction of the primary secondary and emergency skills in both phase 1 and phase 2 training combined with methods of skills enhancement to achieve the required objectives.
The difficulty of objective achievement with the Todd systems when they are practiced or tested in relation to unarmed offensive assault against unarmed counter offensive assault is that they through their same system make up provide the highest levels of personal safety and as such can counter each other out, making objective achievement that much more difficult.
Anyone can look at a book or DVD and learn basic skills but it is the instructor providing individual exponent methods of skills enhancement and objective achievement in relation to the individuals physical and mental make up that is so important.
The SpecForce six-day course like all Todd Group intensive courses of instruction is instructed in a manner that begins with determining which skills best fit the individuals psychological and physical make up. Then the gross motor skills components are practiced until a basic level of proficiency is achieved.
At this stage only major errors are critiqued to avoid negative effects of overload critiquing.
As proficiency is increased minor faults are critiqued and methods of performance improvement and as such objective improvement are introduced until the individual exponent is executing skills to the best of their abilities and capabilities.
Reasoning for specific skills or tactics is detailed and usually explained by recalling real-life situations that specifically apply to the tactics and skills being instructed at that specific time.
Confidence wise exponents game so much more from hearing of real life employments of the skills to achieve definite outcomes.
By day 6 the exponent’s were preparing and training for the day 7 phase 1 test.
This preparation training included definite methods of skills enhancement in relation to timing range target destruction and checking of hard cover guarding throughout the execution of close to point-blank range committed unarmed offensive assault actions.
Combative sighting and small squat expedient action preparatory set up components for evasive counter engagement were extensively practiced and checked.
Stands were set up so the phase test candidates could move through from stand to stand practicing not only all their combative required offensive and counteroffensive skills but also military self defence required skills and the toughener and sickener required skills.
The phase 2 advanced group worked diligently through all the phase 2 modules and begun adding the phase 2 skills onto their phase 1 offensive and counteroffensive assault as well as military self defence skills working towards achieving cohesive continued actions through the skill sets having complete commonality.
I’m often asked before courses and even during courses what type of physical preparation training the individual exponent should be doing to enhance their combative training.
I reply use the skills and skills executions and the factor of confusion training combined with increased intensity physical combative struggles to achieve objective achievement as a means of physical enhancement.
Always ensure your individual skills fit with your physical attributes and capabilities as well as your psychological makeup.
If you need speed or power increases then work on expedient action training and power increased generation training by executing your primary practices to enhance your combative capabilities.
Psychological enhancement is very important and on this course of instruction, the combined phase 1 and phase 2 exponent’s were introduced to and practiced the brain to boot psychological conditioning for military close combat and military self defence practices to command.
This training enables the correct order of execution of physical and psychological practices to be practiced in unison as part of a threat neutralisation drill.
Such practice even though is a deliberate employment by all exponents visually looks like organised chaos with exponent’s following psychological conditioning drill commands employing your own skills in all directions of the clock. Gaining proficiency in the proper order of execution with all physical and psychological components being utilised in cohesive unison to enhance objective achievement and threat neutralisation develops a positive mindset in relation to military combative and military self defence training.
The exponent’s on this course through the drills training started to utilise the important components of the brain to boot package with the execution of their primary skills offensively and counter offensively as the week went on.
Day seven and the phase 1 test.
Nine worthy candidates stepped up and accepted the basic phase 1 challenge.
I told them of how over more than my 30 years of instructing I had observed everyone from leading athletes and sports persons and identified the considerable difference between physical fitness and combative fitness under phase test conditions.
I have observed constantly primary athletes breathing heavy after seconds of being under combative testing.
This is testament to the risk factors in relation to injury not only to oneself but also injuring their buddy enemy per.
There is also the risk of failure and such psychological risks deteriorate physical capabilities quickly.
During the test phase, especially in the combative crowd fighting battle handling exercises phase where there was a high factor of confusion and threats all around, the individual candidates were physically affected which is expected and normal by the psychological pressure of the undertaking.
Unfortunately one of the candidates dislocated his shoulder and had to be removed from the phase test during the toughener and sickener phase.
This left eight candidates all good examples of very responsible and determined proponents striving for self-improvement and advancement.
If it is easy everyone would be doing it and it is not easy with the considerable amount of tactics skills and drills that must be learnt retained and utilised in the combative phase as well as the military self defence testing component of the phase test.
One thing the candidates realise early in the training is that this is not a course and system made up of individual martial arts components from wide ranging styles of fighting arts or traditional arts. This is a complete system that has commonality and cohesion that requires intestinal fortitude and inner resolve combined with combative smarts.
This ensures courses attract by majority the quietly confident determined individual with a demeanour that demands they would not settle for anything less than proven principles used operationally and that are the most current.
The Todd Group is the oldest training provider of its kind globally dating back to 1927 and considers our training provision responsibility to be a serious commitment.
We conduct courses and training 48 weeks of the year nationally and internationally including on most courses phase 1 tests.
Often not a single candidate passes the very realistic and self revealing phase 1 test.
This course produced eight from nine phase 1 test passes and this is the best result we have achieved on Auckland courses ever.
The tactics and skill obviously provide the physical means of objective achievement but the caliber of the individual candidates and their confidence and mental toughness is what makes it all possible.
They simply possessed the capabilities to overcome the effects of personal fears and the stress of the situation that enabled them to employ their options with controlled aggression and safety effectively achieving their objective.
I have never seen a perfect phase test or an individual candidate perform with perfection throughout the entire phase test and this will always remain a reality and did on this years annual Auckland course. The perfect combative combined tactics and skills execution is seldom achieved and certainly is not continuously achieved.
The nature of the practice and the enemy party doing everything they can to achieve their objective and as such preventing their fellow candidates from achieving their objectives makes the perfect combined tactics and skills execution seldom if ever achieved.
However military close quarters combat being made up of gross motor skills that allow for less than perfect executions to provide the over kill output means in less than perfect executions have the capability to neutralise the threat and achieve the objective.
Eight solid candidates done just that passing their phase 1 test and achieving promotion to second phase advanced combative training.
This was a very satisfying outcome and stands to increase the advanced exponent ranks working towards phase 3 specialist status.
When you consider the Todd Group and Todd systems do not apply to anyone other than adult committed realists and there are no easy option or political passes, having eight good candidates on a single course pass the grueling and self revealing phase 1 test is a very satisfying outcome.