I.O.G.K.F.N.Z Upper Waitaki Karate Club Spring Camp

Kurow once again excelled itself with good hot weather for the 2003 spring camp with participants from all over the South Island as well as some dedicated Karateka from the North Island which showed how wide spread the Kurow Spring camp is getting these days. All in all, there were 80 students participating in the weekend training. Turnouts like these reflect the success of Sensei Grant Deed’s dedication and commitment to karate in the South Island. Sensei Terry Hill officiated the weekend ably assisted by Sensei’s John Whitby, John Marrable, Rodger Deed, Rob Stewart Gary Curtin along with many other senior instructors from the various Dojos around the South Island.

Registration commenced with the usual greeting of old friends and also a new unfortunate part of modern day society by way of a waiver, ensuring that any injuries sustained during the weekend was the responsibility of the individual and not the organisers. With all the paper sorted it was on to the warm-ups led by Sensei Hill, soon had the gravy flowing while also keeping a watchful eye on the eight students sitting their Shodan test on Sunday. The morning entailed various drills of moving basics which were used to reinforce the known basic blocks and moves in all the lower grade Katas, freiski, hikiuke, and a multitude of free sparing techniques from which you could pick and adapt for your own style.

Tomorrow’s Karate Ka.

After a short break for lunch, it was on to more moving basics followed by grappling exercises with various techniques to once again adapt for each individual body size and way of fighting This was reinforced with drills requiring one student in the middle of five or more and grappling each one in the ring so that a good work out of physical strength and technique was ensured.

Saturday night was set aside for what was referred to as “Sumo training” at one of the three hotels that are located in the town. After everyone was fed and refreshed, some of the luckier students not grading the following day were able to watch the All Blacks play a test match on the big screen.

Sunday Morning 9:00 am sharp was Sanchin training for the black belts. Sanchin is the “Go” hard side of Okinawan Goju Ryu, combining the three battles of mind, body and spirit, requiring immense concentration, strength and breathing control to forge a stronger Karateka. Sanchin training is then complemented by Tensho Kata, which is the opposite or “Ju” soft and flowing, which counter-acts the slow strong training of Sanchin

Following an hour of this training, the remainder of the students bowed in and participated in some Kata training and bunkai or applications and Sensei Whitby bought us all up to date with the latest techniques that will be phased into the grading syllabus in the future. Training with a partner enabled everyone to put to practice the newly found bunkai and develop their own questions which helped everyone understand the more in-depth meanings of the bunkai Once again time was against us and preparations for the grading had to be done in order that those that had travelled from afar could make it back home in a reasonable hour. After a relaxing BBQ Lunch at the Waitaki Hotel in Kurow, it was off to the Memorial Hall where the eight participants for the grading warmed up their nervous muscles.

Sensei John Whitby (left), Sensei Terry Hill demonstrating Kata Bunkai.

The grading was of excellent standard. All passed. Results are:

  • Kylie Baxter, Jnr Shodan
  • Dennis Flockton, Shodan
  • Lyndal Harvey, Paul Cantwell, Paul Lennox – Shodan.
  • Bruce Willis – Shodan.
  • Rebecca Farmer – Shodan.

Special mention to Dennis Flockton, who at 64 years of age and on his third attempt past his Shodan grading with ease, and showed true Budo spirit, and in doing so, set and example for all to follow. Congratulations Dennis, you are a warrior of the highest order.

Article written by Grant Deed