March 20 to 30 was a very special time for both military and civilian CQB/CQC proponents and instructors down under. The Todd Group annual CQB/CQC course and prize giving, combined with the International Close Combat Instructors Association office of overseas affairs new members’ certificates presentation were jointly conducted.
The Todd Group HQ annual course has been open to national and international attendees since 1996 and continues to attract full musters every year.
Combining the annual combative course with the Todd Group annual prize giving and the international close combat instructors Association gathering and new members certificate presentation was a very special time for military combative practitioners and civilian proponents alike.
The weekend before the commencement of the Todd Group annual course was a busy time for loyal members assisting with preparing for the upcoming course to cater for the large numbers of combatants and guests that would be in attendance for the training testing and presentations.
Replacing weatherboards and painting the training hall at Camp Todd, combined with grading the long driveway leading into the camp, cutting the grass on the training field around the camp, as well as a lot of cleaning and caretaking duties really did make a difference.
The first week of training was the Phase 3 specialist phase of training where depot instructors and combative specialist proponents returned to the old headquarters to ensure they remain current, undergoing specialist armed and unarmed combat training.
On completion of the Phase 3 course of instruction the phase 1 and 2 courses of instruction arrived in camp. Their courses of instruction over seven days were conducted simultaneously in separate training areas of Camp Todd.
All phases combined for the brain to boot psychological conditioning for battle practical training, the D-WAR, (Declare war against Rape) training which was conducted at the old headquarters in Dunedin city. and for the tactical control and restraint training component.
Combining the Phase 2 and 3 attendees with the Phase 1 candidates before the Phase 1 test in the lead up training provided many benefits for the intending candidates.
The tougher and sickener phases of combat milling and coming back from the dead were combined participation all ranks training phases.
The pugil fighting training was phase 1 exponents only.
The advanced Phase 2 and specialist Phase 3 proponents led by example and provided increased intensity that demanded the Phase 1 exponents improved in confidence and competence if they wanted to achieve.
There were so many people that assisted with the course including Gus the course chef who is also a Phase 3 combative specialist and Todd Group depot instructor.
Gus in the galley as he calls it at Camp Todd.
The Todd Group instructing team put in considerable effort to ensure candidates were ready and prepared for the test phase.
Having my 2IC Cowboy Mitchell and senior instructor Howard Bell along with Chris Marsh instructing on the course meant the exponents were being trained by the best of the best.
Todd Group Phase 3 specialist proponents and depot instructors from New Zealand and Australia made up the assistant instructor component on the training team acting for the annual and brought their personal instructing expertise to the course.
Having Jonathan or the Professor as he is known who was a former town crier taking technique to command drills certainly provided a complete new tone of verbiage far more wind swept and interesting than the usual.
Doctor Death Steffan attended the entire two weeks of training courses contributing considerably with his medical expertise and fortunately on this course, injuries were few and far between and none were life-threatening.
Steffan being a Phase 3 combative specialist brings to the course a wealth of knowledge in the combined combative and medical cross over areas.
Big Nick an instructor with considerable civilian and military instructing service provided good instruction and assistance on course as usual.
Having both service personnel and civilians on Todd Group courses enhances both groups of exponent’s capabilities by exposure and cross fertilisation to each group’s strengths and differences in training methods commitment and attitude.
Attendees were transported into the old Todd Group headquarters for two nights of training after their hard day’s training at Camp Todd.
They got to look over the history room and on this course weapons and equipment from yesteryear up until current were laid down for them to inspect.
Attendees enjoy the opportunity to walk around the history room and training facility looking at the photos spanning some 87 years.
Training the military combative way in camp day and night with a total focus on combative training self-improvement and related additional training makes for the best opportunity to increase in competency and confidence.
CQC training annual Todd group HQ CQC Camp Todd 2014
Todd Group members constantly turned up in relation to their leave availability and busy schedules to ensure they could take in as much of the course as possible.
The day before the phase test and presentations saw an influx of attendees and VIP guests.
Over the two weeks over 150 members and guests attended Camp Todd and the Todd Group headquarters to share in the special occasion.
Saturday, March 29 kicked off with the presentation of the International Close Combat Instructors Association certificates. The two recipients were both respected officers with a combined 50 years CQB Special Operations involvement coming up through the ranks. They both had completed all their military CQB training and instructing requirements as well as managing and overseeing all aspects of their military CQB training provision. There were more than 10 military CQB/CQC long-term instructors in attendance to share in this special presentation and occasion.
Major Johnny Whipp retired, the Vice President of the International Close Combat Instructors Association gave an opening address along with myself, the Overseas Director of the International Close Combat Instructors Association. The certificates were presented without fuss or fanfare but in the presence of a group of loyal military combative proponents. Just the way it should be.
My opening address included the covering the long history of the Todd Group and our Association with some of the evolution reply nears in military arms unarmed combat.
Part of my introduction included speaking on my association with Michael Brandt who sadly passed away October 16, 2013.
I told the group of Mikes association with the late, great legend of hand-to-hand combat Dermot Pat O’Neill or Pat as he was known to Mike. Pat O’Neill was a member of the Shanghai municipal police in the 1930s along with Major William Fairbairn.
The late Charles Nelson told me he considered Pat O’Neill to be the unsung expert of military hand to-hand combat back then. I explained to the gathering how Mike had met Pat O’Neill at Fort Bragg on his basic and instructor hand-to-hand combat course and later how they had remained friends after their service days.
Pat O’Neill was an innovator in military and police training and had designed a close protection bracelet, which Mike had one of only a few that we know of made from Pat O’Neill’s patented design. Mike considered this a very special personal possession and I was honoured to have this gem passed on to me by Mike’s widow Jen.
I proudly displayed this important part of combative history to all in attendance as part of my introduction outlining the importance of the close association of military combative experts and how such leaders past and present have been innovative and responsible for the development and continuation of military armed and unarmed combat and must continue to do so.
The tactical bracelet being shown to all in attendance as part of my welcome and introduction.
A close up of Pat O’Neill’s bracelet.
Mike and I were working on writing a book on the life of Dermot Pat O’Neill and this is something I intend in the future to finish.
The Todd Group annual prize giving was then conducted and included life membership presentations for two members, Kowley “Cowboy” Mitchell and Georgie Shand. There were also two honorary life members presented with their certification.
Prior to the Phase 1 test commencing, the presentation of the ‘Bill Hall Memorial Award’ presented for being the epitome of integrity and responsibility was presented to the longest training member of the original ‘Baldock Institute’ now the ‘Todd Group’ : Grahame Reid.
Grahame and I after the presentation
The Phase 1 basic test saw four candidates surpass the required levels and as such pass the test phase achieving promotion to Phase 2 advanced training.
The testing regime is very self-revealing and impartial. Those that did not achieve the required objectives and pass on this occasion will have learnt much about themselves from the experience and will either come back stronger and better prepared or will decide it is not for them.
Individual inner resolve and execution of the required skills is what is required without support assistance or encouragement from anyone but coming from within themselves.
Immediately after the conclusion of the Phase 1 test the course completion certificates were presented. Then everyone indulged in the spit roast spending the remainder of the day and night in the company of old and newly made combative friends at this very low key but special event.
The Todd Group with its long history and association with the military and law enforcement through the provision of CQB/CQC training across wide ranging services enables the conducting of such gatherings where instructors that would not normally have the opportunity to meet up as a group and socialise at a combined combative event are able to.
The rank and service records of instructors in attendance were impressive to say the least and the wealth of knowledge and wisdom shared with the exponents on course made this a memorable occasion for everyone in attendance.
The reality of Military Close Quarters Combat and Close Quarters Battle is that those that are qualified and actively involved with its instruction, maintain low profiles and are careful in relation to publicity and who they associate with and what they attend. Serious, committed, responsible military combative proponents are quietly confident individuals as a rule.
They admire and appreciate inner resolve and understand the difficulty of employing CQC skills under test conditions where candidates counter one another out by employing the same system skills making objective achievement that much more difficult.
The realities of rough and tough close quarters encounters with the intensity levels and stress factors being high, require basic battle proven skills to achieve objectives. To the savvy proponent of military close quarters combat this is what they expect to see and know proves the test regime is realistic and beneficial to combative enhancement.
Organised mayhem where the basic combative skills come through and ensure objective achievement is the norm in test phase combative encounters.
If it looks skill perfect under test conditions then something is wrong and most likely there is a major discrepancy in the candidate’s competency levels or the candidates are not committed to winning and doing their best.
The members and guests in attendance enjoyed the candidates difficulty in their objective achievement and struggle needed to achieve the individual objectives.
Some people enjoy flashy techniques or synchronised techniques but not the true military combative proponent that knows what real close quarters encounters are like and expects nothing less than good basic skills executions in an encounter that may well lose shape and take candidates beyond their physical and psychological limits.
Pictures from the Phase 1 test
In the referral trade craft world that military close quarters combat and close good battle is, what you don’t see publicly promoted is what matters most to those that are on the inside.
Attendance is by application approval or invitation only and as such members can associate in a security conscious and fitting environment.
Bearing all this in mind to have so many military combative proponents and enthusiasts past and present in one location over the course and test phase is testament to the strength of military close quarters combat and close good battle down under.
Maintaining control of recruiting and the promotion of courses is a key practice in the conducting of training testing and ensuring the right people make up the rank and file and that courses and events are conducted in the correct manner.
Smart applicants check instructor’s credentials and know who they want to be trained by and what they want to be trained in. It is one of the few tradecrafts that mass marketing and sensational public promotions are not the right or best way to attract committed responsible realists by. Flashy promotions are frowned upon and recruiting and course promotions must meet the accepted security and responsibility standards in the eyes of those that matter.
Everyone involved in military CQB/CQC knows those that are qualified and of their levels of expertise and this ensures a low profile status can be maintained.
When you consider CQB/CQC attracts the smallest minority with the smarts and desire to learn such a specialist skill set and not the majority, then you will appreciate the major success that attracting such a large number of likeminded individuals was.
The International Close Combat Instructors Association Vice President Johnny Whipp stayed on a few days after the course and association presentation and conducted a training session for Todd Group members at the old HQ which was a much appreciated and a fitting end to a special time.
Johnny doing what he loves.
The benefits from conducting such gatherings where highly respected military combative instructors and exponents are in attendance is important for future proofing military CQB and CQC as well as for cross fertilisation through association and exposure to allies tactics and skills.
The restricted nature of the International Close Combat Instructors Association is very important to ensure military combative experts can meet and associate in fitting company and environment.
There were military instructors past and present in attendance to share in the presentation of the two new member’s certificates and this provided the opportunity to talk of past times on courses and future plans for the field of close combat that is so important to us all.
The following links will provide information on upcoming exported global courses of instruction as well as combative subject material and resources.
Links to articles about previous courses