2023 -2024 Tournament Season

Where it started
Combat Karate League Aotearoa (CKLA) started the tournament officially on 8th of July 2023 with the first tournament. With the support of WKKO NZ which aided the launch of the league.
Showcasing an amateur combat karate rule system that was new, and an elimination sparring tournament.
Combat Karate League Aotearoa (CKLA) aimed to have a ruleset that was simple enough to follow but stepped into more of a competitive arena.
The first most important part was that the tournament floor or mats that the matches all happen on is smaller than usual with the aim to encourage engagement with opponent.
Participants in different age groups participate, rather than focusing on weight classes. This means that divisions for Cubs (5-7year olds) and Juniors (8-11year olds) are expected to use gloves, head gear and mouthguards.
Much of their participation being about the chance to represent their schools and themselves, while testing their skills.
Teenage (13-17years old) still require head gear, gloves and mouthguards. Teenagers often showcase their skills, as some again this based on age not weight, though CKLA aims to make the match ups as fair as possible.
Adults (18+years) can choose to wear headgear when entering, and this is also where there is more of an opportunity to test skills and participate.
All techniques are open, there is no groin striking, knee kicking, elbow bending, finger pokes or joint manipulation. However, the format remains open as much as possible from there.
Extra to this participant can use standing grappling skills to take opponents down, though there is no ground engagement.
Three tournaments later!
The first tournament of the season was held on the 8th of July in 2023 and saw Sanchin Freestyle Karate hosting the event in Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt.
EDSOMA and Upper Hut Martial Arts Academy also attended with some members to bring the day to a good start. It was a fast-paced eventful time with great sportsmanship shown.
The next tournament was held on the 30th of September 2023 called the Moon Festival hosted by EDSOMA. The event showed a larger quantity of entrants and introduced a new wrestling division.
Students from Sanchin Freestyle Karate and Upper Hut Martial Arts Academy were in attendance. It was another day of great sportsmanship and participation.

The final tournament of this season was held on the 10th of August 2024 which Sanchin Freestyle Karate hosted. EDSOMA again attended and the day was a fast paced and show cased great skills by all participants.

WKKO NZ was of importance for the participants as this does allow them membership of an international body, making results for Aotearoa important.

The standings for Season One
Cubs Sparring Girls Boys
Champion Te Rangi Walker Mathias
Sanchin Freestyle Karate Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
1 Vacant Taimanawa
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
2 Vacant Vacant
3 Vacant Vacant
4 Vacant Vacant
5 Vacant Vacant
Junior Sparring Girls Boys
Champion Vacant Dylan Walker
Sanchin Freestyle Karate
1 Vacant Maxim Boon
Sanchin Freestyle Karate
2 Vacant Blaze Ly
Sanchin Freestyle Karate
3 Vacant Raphael Guo
Sanchin Freestyle Karate
4 Vacant Tristan
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
5 Vacant Leon
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
6 Vacant Phoenix Cooper
Sanchin Freestyle Karate
7 Vacant Will Fan
Sanchin Freestyle Karate
8 Vacant Meyer
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
9 Vacant Denny
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
10 Vacant Luke
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
Not Ranked Evan
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
Teenagers Sparring Girls Boys
Champion Vacant Phoenix Cooper
Sanchin Freestyle Karate
1 Vacant Erastus Erakens
Upper Hutt Martial Arts Academy
2 Vacant Scott
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
3 Vacant Luka
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
4 Vacant Fion
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
5 Vacant Vacant
Adults Sparring Women Men
Champion Isedora Lewis Connel Casey – Potter
Sanchin Freestyle Karate Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
1 Charlie Mclean Theo Viatos
Sanchin Freestyle Karate Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
2 Samantha Wallis Clinton Church
Upper Hutt Martial Arts Academy Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
3 Vacant Vacant
4 Vacant Vacant
5 Vacant Vacant
Cubs Wrestling/Grappling
Girls Boys
Champion Te Rangi Walker Vacant
Sanchin Freestyle Karate
1 Vacant Vacant
2 Vacant Vacant
3 Vacant Vacant
4 Vacant Vacant
5 Vacant Vacant
Juniors Wrestling/Grappling
Girls Boys
Champion Vacant Maxim Boon
Sanchin Freestyle Karate
1 Vacant Dylan Walker
Sanchin Freestyle Karate
2 Vacant Blaze Ly
Sanchin Freestyle Karate
3 Vacant Vacant
4 Vacant Vacant
5 Vacant Vacant
Adults Wrestling/Grappling
Women Men
Champion Charlie McLean Connel Casey – Potter
Sanchin Freestyle Karate Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
1 Vacant Mike Hall
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
2 Vacant Theo Viatos
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
3 Vacant Ringo John
Eternal Dragon School of Martial Arts
4 Vacant John – Luke Harvey
Upper Hutt Martial Arts Academy
5 Vacant Vacant

2024 has seen the end of a successful tournament season for Combat Karate League Aotearoa.
The next season begins in 2026, and you are invited to come and represent your club or school, or even win a title for Aotearoa!!
Feel free to find Combat Karate League Aotearoa on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.
Check out our website: https://combatkaratenz.weebly.com/ or email us for more information: [email protected]