Chuck Norris Doesnt Know my Name

When he was 21 years old, Antonio Graceffo got a part in the Chuck Norris movie, Delta Force 2. At the time, he believed it was his huge break, which would lead to super stardom. Instead, it would be more than a decade until he had a part in a movie again.

Delta Force 2

Based on that movie, no one ever asked him to sign an autograph, and Kenner never made an Antonio Graceffo Delta Force action figure.

Working on the Chuck Norris film was an impact-full and hilarious experience which, like so many of Antonio’s significant life-moments, meant a lot to Antonio but neither Chuck nor anyone else will remember.

Delta Force 2

The story deals humorously with the issues and expectations of working on a Hollywood movie, but it also is a bit of an indictment on modern star-culture. Antonio got caught up in the moment, but you could also say he was caught up in an era of a celestial cult that worshiped the stars.

We all need to accept that being a rich, famous movie star is not everything. Of course, it is better than a lot of other things, like working at the post office, or sitting in a hotel room in Saigon, broke, and writing about almost, not even coming close to being a movie star.

“If I had made it back then, I would never have written this story or done this podcast.” Admits Antonio. “But, on some level, having millions of dollars and superstardom would have compensated.”

The experience spawned the story, Chuck Norris Doesn’t Know my Name” Which Antonio has recently released as a PDF e-book (e-story) on his website

This podcast is composed of a few outtakes from the longer story. In addition to making laugh at and pity Antonio, it will leave you wondering: Does the hero ever earn the money for his sister’s dowry, so she can marry? Do they ever catch the murder? Is the DNA evidence enough to get a conviction?

If any of these questions is bothering you, you will need to find the answers somewhere else. But if you want to know how the Delta Force story turns out for Antonio, you have to go click and download on his website.

Listen to the podcast

Article written by Antonio Graceffo

Antonio Graceffo PhD China-MBA, works as an economics researcher and university professor in China. He holds a PhD from Shanghai University of Sport Wushu Department where he wrote his dissertation “A Cross Cultural Comparison of Chinese and Western Wrestling” in Chinese. He is the author of 8 books, including Warrior Odyssey and The Monk from Brooklyn. His regular column, Destinations, has been running in Black Belt Magazine since 2009. He has fought professionally as a boxer and MMA fighter as well as fighting as an amateur in boxing, sanda, and wrestling. Having spent over 15 years studying martial arts in Asia, he holds black belts in Cambodian Bokator, Filipino Kuntaw and Cambodian traditional kick boxing. In Malaysia, he was the first non-Malay to be awarded the title of Pahlawan Kalam (warrior of Silat Kalam). Currently, he is pursuing a second PhD in economics at Shanghai University, specializing in US-China Trade, China’s Belt and Road Initiative, and Trump-China economics. His China economic reports are featured regularly in The Foreign Policy Journal and published in Chinese at The Shanghai Institute of American Studies, a Chinese government think tank.