Regular Columns

Omega 3 Snacks

Once you’re splitting up your fats correctly (about 1/3 of your fat intake coming from each of the three types of fat), your next goal should be to balance out your omega 6: omega 3 ratio.  Do this and you’re arteries will be jumping for joy and they’ll have less body fat around them to […]

Muay Lao, The Forgotten Art of Kickboxing

“You can gain extra power on your kicks by throwing your kicking arm down, but you need to protect your face with a cross arm defense.” Explained Adjarn Ngern, at the national kick boxing stadium in Vientiane, Lao. In Tae Kwan Do and a lot of other kicking arts, the right hand comes down when […]

Keeping Your Energy Balanced and Centered

An important, and very simple safety, is keeping your energy centered and balanced. As you've probably discovered by now, what you do with your energy affects every part of your life. Try this exercise with a friend. It can be a lot of fun and it really helps to illustrate the Mind/Body connection. Have a […]

December 2007

It never ceases to amaze me on how the majority think that they are fully committed to their training and are fully competent. Many believe that attending or instructing several short sessions a week can be classed as full-time. What they may consider full-time or fully committed would amount to nothing more than casual involvement […]

Big Night At Fight Club's 7th Show

Wayne Doyle puts on a great night at the fight club and does two shows a year. His shows are the ones all boxing and kick boxing fans want to attend. He puts on top entertainment and excellent food as well. This was his seventh show and he always pre-sells the tickets. Popular Entertainers Adeaze […]

Auckland Fights W.B.O. Title Night

International Judge Bob Gibson And W.B.O. Official Leon P. Panoncillo From Hawaii. Leon Panoncillo. Jr. Lolo Heimuli—Magan Maka Magan Maka Ali'itasi Dutt Kerry Palmer. Australia Johnny Glozier With Kerry Palmer And Australian Team. Ali'itasi Dutt Ali Dutt—Sean Sullivan Ali'itasi Dutt With Her Team—–Sean Sullivan At Right Ali'itasi Dutt Daniel Mc Kinnon Mighty Mariam Graham Anaru […]

Controlled Aggression

Caution: The contents of this article are for education purposes only. The principles described are extremely dangerous and are for military close combat training and operations only. Their application applies solely to the military. After 30 years of training and instructing close combat, including conducting more test phases than I can remember, it is still […]

The Human Energy System

As we begin to meditate and open up the energy pathways of our body it becomes a little more important to have a good understanding of those energy routes. This is another area that a person could study for the rest of their life and still learn new things. By now you’ve begun to have […]

Increasing Water Intake

Sedentary individuals should drink at least 2L or about 8 cups of water per day, athletes should drink at least 3L or about 12 cups of water per day, and athletes in hot weather climates drink at least 4L or about 16 cups of water per day. Since following these recommendations can prevent dehydration and […]