John Berardi

Dr. John Berardi is the president of Science Link, Inc. and, two multi-national corporations devoted to translating cutting edge exercise, nutrition, and supplement research into measurable health and performance results.

Good Fats

On average, most people should ensure that 25-35% of their energy intake comes from fat, with your fat intake split equally between saturates (animal fat), monounsaturates (olive oil, avocados, etc), and polyunsaturates (flax oil, salmon oil, etc.).  Your total fat in the diet may vary but make sure you’re getting about 1/3 of each type […]

From North American to Nutritious

Good nutrition, nutrition for optimal body composition (fat loss, muscle gain), optimal health, and optimal performance (sports or everyday) usually requires a move away from the typical North American dietary habits and a move toward more nutritious, physiology-friendly habits. To shed a little bit of light on what I mean by the typical North American […]

Protein for Fat Burning

Protein is by far the most thermogenic of the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrate, and fat). Due to the high metabolic costs of processing it, protein provides fewer storable kcal. The thermic effect of a mixed meal is about 10% of intake, while the thermic effect of protein per se is more like 25-30%. That could mean […]

Unhealthy "Health Foods"

Products that claim to be "Cholesterol Free" and "Low in Saturated Fat" often have the most trans-fatty acids. Unfortunately these are the products that most of the public thinks are "healthy." Remember, trans fats have absolutely no place in the diet!  They’re the only type of fat highly associated with very negative health outcomes.

Getting Lean by Revving Up Your Metabolism

I remember the day I got the bad news. I was 20 years old and I was in the middle of a nearly impossible squat session. Between sets, while trying to catch my breath, an “older” personal trainer (he was probably in his thirties) came over and offered some “advice”—unsolicited, of course. “Ya know,” he […]

Skip the Cheat Meal, Fatty

Cheat meal frequency should be minimized when you're over 15-20% body fat. Basically, the fatter you are, the more likely that any excess food will be shuttled toward body-fat storage rather than muscle mass.  So skip the cheat meal unless you’re lean.  And even then, think of it as an alternative food meal – not […]

Why Choose Oats

If you're looking to gain mass and have a good carbohydrate tolerance, place a bowl of fiber-rich, low-GI rolled oats along with half scoop of vanilla protein powder,  frozen mixed berries, pineapple and a small quantity of mixed nuts right next to your omelet.  This is a muscle building breakfast that’s hard to beat.   I place […]