Andre Gusmao — The Pitbulls Mystery Man

© Marc Wickert

At the start of 2007, an announcement came through from the IFL that it will be adding teams from England, France, South Korea and San Diego to their competition in 2008, further endorsing the International stamp on the IFL moniker.

However, what might seem surprising is that a team from Brazil will also be included that year, despite the New York Pitbulls already having Brazilian-born fighters Renzo Gracie, Marcio Feitosa, Marcelo Azevedo, Gustavo Machado, Fabio Leopoldo, Delson Heleno, and Andre Gusmao competing in the IFL.

But one thing's for sure, if the Brazilian-based team is anything like the New York Pitbulls, we're going to be treated to some heavy-duty MMA in 2008.

Meanwhile, managed to catch up with Pitbull light heavyweight Andre Gusmao, on the eve of his bout with Canada's Brent Beauparlant…

Andre has just finished some toast and juice for breakfast at the Mystic Marriott Hotel, where all the IFL athletes are staying, and is about to prepare for tomorrow's fight.

Gusmao has lived for six years in New York City, where he teaches the first martial art he took up – capoeira. At present Andre runs his classes along Union Square, but he will be starting other classes at Renzo Gracie's Academy on 30th Street in January.

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Article written by Marc Wickert

Marc Wickert is one of the world's most respected martial arts journalists.

For years his articles have been published in America, Europe, Australasia, and on the acclaimed website.

Having interviewed some of the most elite combatants of the No-Holds-Barred inner sanctum, and a hybrid fight system's instructor in his own right, Marc Wickert is also author of the now-famous self-defense manual - The Book.